New diagnosis T4N3Mx

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  • 85 subscribers

Just had the diagnosis of  non small cell squamos lung cancer T4N3MX and so afraid ..I have an appointment on Monday with the oncologist ...I am scared there won't be any treatment options available to me ...has anyone any experience of this staging and treatment...I know every case is different and my team have been great so far

  • Hi   I hope someone who has had a similar diagnoses will be along to chat with you soon, but I just want to welcome you to the group.

    I know how terrifying all this is for you, but there really is so much treatment available now. I wish you lots of luck for Monday. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Same as mine I have nearly completed 2 yrs immunotherapy so far so good I'm still here.

  •    dud you have the same staging ? ..I had been positive until now and really struggling that they won't have a treatment plan for me ..I know it's incurable but I just want some more time

  • Hi  lung cancer treatment has come such a long way in recent years, and there are so many treatments now, and lots more in the pipeline. Incurable doesn’t mean the same as it did years ago, it certainly doesn’t mean terminal. There is a new incurable, incurable but treatable. So many of us are living long lives in the incurable but treatable category, and with immunotherapy, targeted treatments, gene testing, people are living much longer with lung cancer than ever before. 

    I know how scared you are, you really don’t know what your oncologist is going to say on Monday, and they will look at your general health too to help them make this decision. Hold on in there, I really do hope that on Monday you come back and tell us what your treatment plan is. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Please say to your inner person it is curable you can do it. Let's go together through this.

  • Thank you all ...I've just had my oncologist first appointment  hanged to a day later next week 

  • I am having treatment for small cell lung cancer ,  I have had 4 treatments of chemo and immunotherapy, I have had side effects but nothing I couldn’t cope with ,  I don’t know wether the treatments the same for non small cell  cancer , Hope this helps , My thoughts are with you , 

  • Hi scared 75 exactly the same code as yours the diagnosis came January 22 I was put on 10 days radiotherapy straight away, then straight after on 2 years of immunotherapy my last one is next month I also needed a few blood transfusions about March 22 because my hemoglobin had dropped to low I also have blood cancer which I take 2x chemo tablets a day jakavi yes there has been bad days very tired and sickly and can't be bothered its a long journey that you are about to go on you will need to be strong minded even on the bad days you will want to be here eat plenty of fresh veg you can do it once you get over the shock and the upset and the why me that lasts for the first 2 months just keep positive every single day and say to yourself I can do this and enjoy every day and say to yourself I AM STILL HERE. msg any time for any questions or support that you need I am in the North West of England.

  •    I am so happy to hear you're doing well ...or as well as can be expected ....I think my fear stems from what if they tell me there is no treatment ...thabk you for your support and I will message you if that's palliative care nurse is fantastic but it's so frightening 

  • Hi just wanted to say wow your journey has been long and tuff but as you say Your still here wishing you blessings