Mum recently diagnosed with Lung Cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 71 subscribers


I'm new to this group, so sincere apologies if my question has already been covered somewhere.

My mum is 81 and has just been diagnosed with lung cancer - small tumour in her right lung, also present in 2 sites in her lymph node & in her pleura lining of the lung.  We've been told that this is: T1c N2 M1a.  I'm afraid that this does not mean a lot to me.  

We are waiting for the results of the biopsy to establish what treatment can be given as surgery is not an option. We should get an appointment with Oncology soon.

My mum is well in herself, no pain, although she has lost some weight.

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this type of cancer and can provide me with some updates as to what will happen next in terms of treatment, life expectancy and quality of life. 

My mum also has short term memory loss following a stroke 20 years ago so finds it difficult to remember everything when we go for appointments.

Many thanks for your help if you can provide any support at all.

  • Hi SusanC

    So very sorry that you have cause to be on here.

    The T1c N2 M1a is not the cancer type but rather the 'staging' reference of the discovered cancer: the staging helps the experts to immediately identify the details of the cancer just by this staging code. In Mum's case the code matches what you already know T = 1 small tumour, N = 2 nodules, M = 1 spread to lung lining.  The lower the allocated number, the more positive the situation is.  I wouldn't worry about this staging info. To be honest, I never understand why they give  out this level of detail.

    As for the type of cancer, broadly speaking Lung Cancer is split into 2 main types.  Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) and Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).  The NSCLC also has  numerous specific sub types of cancer.  A biopsy is usually undertaken to determine the actual type of cancer. The type of cancer will help to  determine what treatment is available etc.

    At future appointments it is OK to make notes, as all the info being thrown at you can be quite overwhelming.  Similarly, it is OK to turn up with written questions, and there is no such thing as a daft question!

    When you know the type of cancer it will be easier for people on here to share their experiences of treatments etc and how they coped with it all.   There is a caveat to this though; everyone reacts differently to the treatment and how they coped.  Just remember that your Mum's cancer team will recommend what they believe is best for Mum.

    I hope this helps a bit, and I wish you and your Mum the best possible outcomes.

    Kegsy x



    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011
  • Thank you so much Kegsy for the information.

    I will post a further update if that's ok when we get the results from the biopsy.

    Thank you again xx