Unable to lie flat for Radiotherapy treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Hi all, 

Does anyone know if the team giving the radiotherapy can make adjustments to accommodate someone who is unable to lie flat for the radiotherapy session? Like big a higher pillow or something? 

Mum has COPD and stage 4 lung cancer. 

My mum had the first session yesterday and has 4 more palliative sessions next week. She managed 3 CT scans before okay but as her breathing was really bad on the morning of the session it made her experience awful. 

She was panting during the session and told them she felt like she was going to pass out. They asked if it was her normal breathing and she replied only when lying flat on her back. Mum tried breathing techniques as best she could but said it was an awful experience. When she sat up she went really dizzy and lightheaded. 

Hoping they will be accommodating otherwise she said she will refuse the treatment as she can’t go through that again. 

  • Hi Harley H

    So very sorry that Mum had a bad  experience.

    Before any decisions are made regarding future treatments, she must discuss this with the Radiology Team as this will not be a new scenario for them.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Kegsy x

    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011
  • Sorry to hear your mum went through  an ordeal with radiotheraphy, I had problems with the biopsy position  our research doctors are now being  more open and nurses are looking at better ways , when I have mine my arms will be supported with pillows . Some hospitals have  chairs for people who are overweight  your mum needs to say its making her feel iller but not sure how she can be helped I have a knee support  put in which makes life more comfortable. My other problem is I cannot control my cough. I am not an advocate of treatment  at any cost as cancer is not curable in many cases  its just to relieve symptoms by reducing the size of the tumour. Its a ruthless illness and side effects of radiotheraphy can be depilitating to. Your mum needs to make a choice. My husband died of cancer  his choice  was no treatment no matter what anyone said, this was the  agreement we shared as a married couple. Hope my experience helps you to accept your mums choice if she has to make it. Its aweful to be so ill and have to make these choices , I have a living will but  have had to decide to spite that . The treatment could make me iller, but I am not stage four. I understand how your mum is feeling right now . This is not my understanding of palliative care is it yours.?? Hope you come to a better  road forward with the cancer care team that does not leave your mum suffering unnecessarily. Cancer is a hard road to travel and we are all human no one wants their loved one to suffer hope you can find the stength to support your mum . take care  

  • Thank you both for your replies.

    We will speak to the team tomorrow at the 2nd appointment and see what they say then we can take it from there. 

  •   I am sorry to hear that mum is struggling with the radiotherapy. I have had radiotherapy myself, and I found the radiotherapy team to be very understanding, but I wonder if she needs to be flat so that the radiotherapy beam is reaching the tumour. I know with myself, that my anxiety makes my breathing worse, so I wonder if this may also be contributing towards mums experience. It’s a tough one, because now mum will already be anxious before her next treatment. 

    I had really good results from radiotherapy, and it will help mums breathing eventually, so will be a shame if she doesn’t continue. Let us know how she gets on. 


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