How long for treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Can I ask, following diagnosis, how long did people have to wait for their treatment to start. 

  • Hello Slcaj, I was told possibly a long three weeks  before treatment is done and that's just the first step.But I know others where it as been a bit quicker. I like the breathing space personally . But some want it over and done with fast . I guess if its major surgery the sooner its done the sooner you recover from the surgery. Follow up appointments are 6 to 8 weeks if you need further treatment at our hospital. Hope this helps 

  • That helps immensely, many thanks for taking the time to respond. 

  • What are you actually classing as point if diagnoses, as this really does make a difference. From the point of suspected cancer to actual diagnoses can be anything from 6-12 weeks, depending on what tests are required, if a first biopsy was successful or if they have to perform a 2nd. Once you have sat down with your oncologist for the actual diagnoses, which will only happen once all the initial tests are completed and the oncologist has held an MDT meeting, then you will start your treatment within 2 weeks. If it is surgery it may take longer due to staff shortages, strikes etc etc. 

    What stage are you currently at yourself ? 


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  • Hello  Chell, I think it is a bit hit and miss according to where you live and the cancer  facilities available.I am an example I was told I had a suspected cancer in February, biopsy was completed in May. I saw the oncology team in June and the radiotheraphy  treatment  begins in three to four weeks after oncology appointment on the 17th of June.That means from confirmation  of treatment proposed to treatment start  is more than two weeks.Of course with the Drs strike this week it will draw out many patients treatment to longer. Each case is different  but I am sure many of us would prefer the two week target and maybe quicker biopsy . Have a nice day

  • Thank you for your reply. It’s really helpful. I’m right at the start of this journey and waiting for a biopsy. Will try to pause and take it a step at a time.