Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for small cell lung cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 69 subscribers

I had my second cycle on Friday and am still feeling nauseous, since Friday evening, and generally poorly here on Wednesday, having been much better yesterday for the morning. Is this usual? Will it get worse with the next two cycles? Any advice to counteract the side effects please Pray

  • Hi verbena

    I have just completed 3 cycles of chemo/immunotherapy and had all side effects, but the 2nd one was worse for nausea and sickness. The third wasn't as bad, I got leg cramps with all 3 cycles and fatigue is the worse, if nausea continues ask for them to change antisickness meds

  • Oh thank you Camcm. If the third is not as bad as this second, that would be great. I have four to negotiate and was thinking they would all be as bad. The fatigue is worse too. I feel bad moaning but…

  • I had all the side effects, leg cramps, constipation, stomach cramps, nausea  after the 1st but was more sick with 2nd and felt ill, i couldnt eat for 2 weeks so was expecting the worst with the 3rd, still have strange taste buds, some foods I can't tolerate especially meat, which isn't a bad thing, Best thing is eat small amounts even if its toast or soups and take antisickness regular even  on good days

  • Thank you again Camcm. Hearing that you tolerated much of my side effects, and got through does help me. I will definitely ask for a different anti sickness medication. I do feel that I shouldn’t be complaining to others but I do feel better after a bit of a moan. Rolling eyes I hope you continue to improve and enjoy life so it’s been worth it!x