No treatment at all :( stage 4 NSCLC

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No genetic mutations and PLD1 status is negative therefore immunotherapy and targeted drug out of the question for my mum now :( 

Oncologist also said providing chemo would be dangerous for my mum due to her bloods. She has low haemoglobin at 87 (even after 2 blood transfusions), high CRP infection marker, high platelets and high white blood cells so they are saying it’s too risk and there isn’t anything that can be done. The results that they looked at were 2 weeks ago so we have requested the GP complete new bloods and we are hoping for a second opinion but I’m gutted. I am expecting twins at the end of August and want mum to at least meet them Disappointed

has any been through this or had chemo with abnormal bloods please??

  • To add mum is doing really well and is working from home, able to get up and get dressed, does get a bit tired in the day, is eating well but has lost weight dramatically so the bloods tell such a different story to how she is /(

  • Hi

    mu mum has stage 4 which is in both lungs, she had first round of chemo and was really unwell- it turned out she had really low white blood cell count and neutrophils so they could t give her the next round. She is having 5 days of injections to stimulate the white blood cells in bone marrow. She can only have next treatment when the levels have raised.her chemo is Gemcarbo- it’s been too strong too so they have to reduce any future doses she has. I’m worried they will say she can’t have any more. ( she has lots of bruising, aches, nausea and lots of hair loss! I’m also worried as she won’t ask them how much longer this treatment will give her- but I need to know how much time I have with my mum x 

  • Sorry to hear   of your mums result , second opinions can take a while. I do genuinely hope your mum gets to  see the twins  as you wish. It must  be hard for you  tackling the pregnancy and the serious illness your mum has. Can't help you with medical issue not been in your mums position as yet . Every best wish Pray

  • I am so sorry to hear about your mum. It’s so frustrating when the bloods aren’t playing ball. I hope the white blood cells can be stimulated. 
    We have opted to not find out how much time as I don’t want that to be the doom day that we all focus on and I am worried she will go down hill fast if she does find out. 

    it’s such an awful experience isn’t it. This awful disease literally takes so much from so many people. It’s so hard my mum is my best friend and I try and take each day as it comes but equally I know will be a time where I can’t just pick up the phone and speak to her anymore Cry it breaks my heart

  • Thank you. It would mean the world to me. I just hope she can fight it. Gutted that we currently have no treatment options but I am definitely going to get a second opinion.

  • I've had a blood cancer (for which I had chemo) as well as NSCLC.  Each cycle of chemo going ahead is always dependent on your blood tests being OK and they usually want the bloods done close to the day of infusion. Generally speaking using chemotherapy as a treatment requires being well enough to tolerate it.  While they obviously won't start it while you have an active infection, there may be additional reasons which make it more dangerous for a particular patient.

    I've had cycles delayed due to infection and a lot of people end up hospitalised at least once during chemotherapy due to infection (not fun at all, and that's the only time I've ever needed a blood transfusion).

    I do think a second opinion is justified, if only to explain to you more fully why they don't believe chemotherapy will be an appropriate option for your mum.  It sounds like your mum is managing fairly well at the moment and hope that continues at least until the twins are born.

  • Hope you  do go for  second opinion, its hard when you hear the verdict of no treatment, there are things that can help your mum feel better able to cope (palliative). I have not been told my results from the biopsy yet  but clinic is today so maybe we may hear something soon. It strange don't you think when you are given a suggestion  of cancer then the tests & results take what seems for ever . every best wish.