Waiting for CT scan results and very worried

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Hello I'm new here, I have been referred on the 2ww pathway by my GP for a CT scan for suspected lung cancer which I had 2 weeks ago. This was following a normal chest xray result and normal bloods but because I have had symptoms for nearly a year (left side chest and shoulder blade pain and weight loss) she said she was concerned so sent me via the pathway.

I am absolutely terrified because I lost my mum and dad to lung cancer and haven't been coping very well with the wait. 

My nhs app says I'm on a waiting list for the respiratory clinic, awaiting treatment with estimated start date of June. 

I still haven't had the result yet and this is worrying me silly. I rang the hospital and they told me I will get an appointment to go in and discuss my results. 

Does this mean they have found something on my scan or is it normal procedure to get your results this way regardless of the outcome? 

Just looking for some advice and support from others that may have been in this situation 

Thank you everyone 

  • The NHS app shows as that mine did when I was referred saying treatment July as that's estimated time for normal referral. You will be seen in clinic way earlier than that to get results. 

    I'm currently walking the same path as you had my ct results on Thursday, they simply do not know what mine is pet scan next to try and confirm but my consultant is optimistic mine is benign due to being 40 never smoked only one nodule in lung, lungs otherwise fantastic in his words and all lung function tests show fantastic results. He has confirmed I will be having surgery whatever to remove as it is on the peripheral of my lung causing permanent pleurisy. 

    The consultant and specialist nurse were amazing to me and showed a lot of kindness and time. 

    I'm a realist and will not rest until its removed and tested to confirm what exactly it is.

    Sending love and hugs on this scary journey xx

  • Hello Moomoosmum,

    I'm sorry you find yourself here, as you well know this is a very stressful time and I hope you get confirmation of your appointment to discuss results very soon.

    As far as the NHS app is concerned, I find this very useful sometimes but also completely useless and misleading at other times. You say yours is saying awaiting treatment and has an estimated start date. In my case (I had lung cancer 10 years ago then prostate cancer 8 years ago) I'm being investigated for possible prostate recurrence. I've had a CT scan and am having a PET scan in 10 days time so no diagnosis yet. However my NHS app shows I'm waiting for treatment which is estimated to start in May 2024. This is complete rubbish and meaningless. - I have no results yet and might not even need any treatment!

    Consequently I do not believe this information on the app has anything to do with your scan result. Scan results will be discussed between members of your hospital team and your consultant will give you the results.

    I hope you get your results very soon, and these are good for you. 

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi mmm, I've had the same with my NHS app. It's not mentioned any consultations or scans I've had yet gives me an estimated start date in August. Seems like the app is best ignored as it's inaccurate which can make us worry with no need. I pestered the macmillan nurse for my results and she said she'd ring me as soon as they knew if I wanted to know quickly, if that's any help to you?  They really are so good and really understand our stress. Best of luck, chick xxx