Stage 3 small cell lung cance

  • 1 reply
  • 67 subscribers

Hi all,

my mum has been diagnosed with SCLC in Nov 23. Since then we have really struggled to obtain any information from the doctors. We were unaware of stage, name and how bad it was for 3 months. They had originally told my mum when her sodium levels were really low and she was suffering from brain fog. 

I feel like nothing has really been explained and we are only just getting some answers. 

  • Hi  I am sorry to hear about your mums diagnoses. That does sound like a long time for mum to wait to find out what her diagnoses is. Mum would have been given a number of her lung nurse from the hospital, you could try phoning her direct. If you still feel like you are not getting anywhere then I suggest you contact PALS (Patient Advice and Liasison service). Every hospital has their own PALS department and you will be able to find the contact details for your local hospital on line. 


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    Maya Angelou

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