Treatment delayed

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  • 69 subscribers

Was diagnosed last year with lung cancer on left lung.  Oncologist informed me caused by the radiotherapy I had for breast cancer 25 years ago!  Gave me 5 months or I could have chemo/immuotherapy to prolong my life, as it is inoperable, stage 4, I signed!  I had booked ages ago to spend Christmas/NY away with friends, but a few days prior to leaving felt breathless, hoping it would go away, no got worse and ended up in hospital with pneumonia.  Now my 4th cycle has been delayed, had another CT which now shows that it's grown, when the CT in November showed it was shrinking.  Now have another PET booked, when I will be checked out on the results to see what happens next.  Feel tired, no energy which I know is normal with this treatment - but how do people manage?  It's practical things, like changing the bed, having a shower, getting shopping etc.  When you get to a certain age many friends and relatives have passed and it can be hard trying to do it all by yourself.  Also due to low immunity and feeling exhausted I only go out when necessary - so do miss contact with others, although contact by email/mobile is a lifesaver.  I was fine with the other cancers but this one has hit me hard, maybe it's 'cos of my age, or now being alone.

  • Hi  I am sorry to hear about your treatment being delayed. I am not surprised that you are feeling tired, treatment is hard enough, but pneumonia can be very hard to get over. 
    Sorry you are struggling with household chores. I wonder if there may be some help available to you. Have you discussed this with your oncologist or lung nurse? Or you could call the macmillan support line for some advice on 0808 808 00 00 who are available 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm. 

    Being on your own must be very difficult. Do you have a Macmillan’s centre or a Maggies at your hospital? These are great places to pop into where you can meet other people with cancer, or just sit and have a coffee.  You mentioned that you were going away with friends for New years. Could you confide in one of your friends about how you are feeling? 

    Good luck with the PET scan, please let us know how you get on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • There is a Maggies at the Marsden - only prob is getting there is no bus, could drive but have a long walk from car-park, getting a taxi here is impossible now, so could go on mobility scooter but is 'out of area' and the weather is often rain!  Maggie is also very limited in what they offer, I have been to a monthly lung group, but there are no social meetings/activities.  I used to attend the SECHC which is far superior, but again, now, it's the transport to get there. I used to drive miles but now really have to make an effort and am seriously thinking of giving up, the only reason I've been keeping the 'old girl' is if I need to get somewhere I can't go on my buggy, and that's rarely now.  Will have to check out what other options are available in my area.  My husband died nearly 2 years ago, many of my friends/relatives have passed - now I had the sad news that my only sister has died.  It is not easy trying to meet and make new friends. especially when you've been told you have low immunity and to be careful with whom you come in contact with!  Still will keep on trying!  PET scan was good, the treatment is working, so had my 4th triple cycle today (chemo/immunotherapy), as inoperable/no radiotherapy, will then go on immunotherapy.  I was interested to read in the media that Esther Ranzthan is taking a new medication for her stage 4 cancer, I cannot find what this new cancer treatment is, as I am sure others would also be interested in anything that is new.  How do we find out what is available?  I have asked at the hospital what trials are available but there does not appear to be anything much at the moment.  Thought about getting an elderly rescue cat, our last one died a few years ago, but never had any more as being retired we could travel when flights were cheap, but now doesn't look like I will be doing much travelling - so trawled through rescues, who we are told are overflowing but mainly with kittens/young ones, signed up but don't think they want to rehome with an elderly lady - breed clubs have nothing, so that's another idea out of the window.