Lung and brain mets, treatment rollercoaster

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My Dad has been diagnosed with NSC lung cancer, which has spread to his brain. He was diagnosed end of April with brain symptoms, they found 2 tumours in his brain, since then everything has been so slow. Initially he was offered surgery, and stereotactic radiosurgery, and chemo. He's had so many scans since then and each time they have found more brain metastases Sob

last week he finally had the largest met in his brain removed and this week the plan was to get his mask for Stereotactic radiosurgery in southhampton, but they have just said that they have found yet another tumour in his brain and can no longer do the stereotactic radiosurgery in Southampton because there are too many (I think we are up to 11 total now) 

I have rapidly lost all hope now and face losing my last parent age 35. Oncology tomorrow and it looks like whole brain radiotherapy may be the option, and chemo. Is there any hope this will work and give us a decent amount of time, or make him well enough to go to his allotments again?

He's got so poorly this last 2 weeks it's breaking my heart. He's gone from being a healthy active man to not being able to walk from steroid swelling etc

  • Hi shipwithoutananchor, I am so sorry to hear of your Dad, I know how distressing this must be for you.

    I hope it goes well at the oncology appointment today. Please let us know what they have decided, and if the brain radiotherapy is an option. Radiotherapy is a very successful way of shrinking tumours, and in doing so will also make the side effects of the brain tumours more manageable. x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you. Today has brought the worst news ever. They have said if he can't have the stereo tactical radiotherapy they will no longer aim to cure and it will be palliative treatment. 

    The swelling in his legs is so bad (because of the steroids they have put him on)  that they have said he is no longer eligible for chemo. 

    I am just astounded and so angry. They have taken so long to do anything that now suddenly they won't do anything. He's gone from being fit and healthy and having a chance of cure to being written off. I don't understand how this happened.

  • Oh I am so sorry to hear this. It is such a shock getting this news. If you feel that the hospital has let your dad down, there is a complaint procedure through PALS, if you look it up on line, and pop in the details of your dads hospital, you can email them.  I know it won’t change anything, but might make you feel better to do so.

    You can also phone the Macmillan support line and chat to someone there to help you through this awful time. They are available 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm on 0808 808. 00 00. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you Chelle. Hard to know if I am just angry because I am sad or if I have cause to be angry for the slow treatment, they diagnosed the cancer but then no referral was sent to oncology, because they assumed GP would do it and GP thought the acute medical unit would. Then the wait time for treatment has been ridiculous. Feels like we are always waiting on yet another scan before they do anything. 

    Pinning hopes that Bristol will offer stereotactic radiotherapy so they will attempt to cure, but I don't know how that works with his swollen legs. Checking for dvt on Friday. 

  • Morning Ship,

    I was at Bristol - if it is BRI - for my RUL surgery and was very impressed with my treatment there.

    I have just started chemo. My first cycle was on Weds in Taunton. While chatting with a chap across from me, he had the same experience when he was treated in BRI.

    So I hope your Dad feels the same as us after his stay there.

    Go well,
