Surgery date!

  • 7 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I had the phone call I’ve been waiting for, although not a long wait in the great scheme of things. I’m going in this Friday (16th)! I’m now self isolating thanks to covid. My anxiety is starting to really kick in now. It would’ve been so much easier if I’d been able to go to work etc. I think the fact that I’ve never met the surgeon isn’t helping either. I know he has a great reputation, so I’m not worried about his surgical skills. The worry of not knowing until I wake up to discover what he’s done is the biggest problem. I’m hoping for keyhole surgery so that my recovery should be quicker. I don’t do well in hospital. My last two stays have left me fearful. I thought I’d dealt with these feelings, but clearly I haven’t. I’m  truly grateful to be getting my surgery relatively quickly, so don’t want anyone to think that I’m complaining. I’ll have a very early start as the hospital is an hour and a half away on a good day. Thanks for everyone’s advice, thoughts and well wishes.

  • Hi

    I just wanted to wish you all the best for your surgery today.

    Sending lots of virtual (((hugs)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi latchbrook

    Thank you for your good luck message. I’ve read your profile, and am truly grateful that you still find time to support others in the community. I hope you’re continuing to do well with your chemo. I only had capecitabine tablets for bowel cancer back in 2019, so can’t really imagine what “proper” chemo is like. I had my surgery on Friday, and apart from a few hiccups, all went well. I was very lucky to have keyhole so was discharged, with some insistence on my part, on Saturday! I’m being careful and listening to my body, but am amazed at how much mobility I have. I’m posting this, not to brag about how marvellous I am in terms of fitness, but to give others a bit of positivity. I know that not everyone is so fortunate. Keeping everything crossed for you that you recover fully soon and that your “cancer journey” is finally over. I really do hate that phrase. It’s not like we all set off on it intentionally. Sending love and hope to our community.

  • Sending positively and hugs to you.I understand your feelings on this,  I hate being put to sleep. You are in my thoughts

  • how did you get on ? Sorry I missed this . It’s been an incredibly sad and difficult time with my parents health just now so not keeping up to date with everything .

    Hope you are well into your recovery and healing and more importantly cancer free .

    Take care ,


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    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court

    I’m sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. I do hope that you have some support. I don’t want to intrude, but if you want to talk I’ll be here. I’m doing really well. I won’t know what my prognosis is for another few weeks, so keeping my fingers crossed. Once this is all sorted it’s just my colon to deal with! Sending you a big virtual hug and my very best wishes.

  • Thank you .

    Thats really thoughtful . I am shattered  . I keep getting called to sit with my lovely dad . He is very Sick . I summon up my courage to go back in and he seems to perk up a bit . We are with him all the time . Mum is in the same hospital just now . I will explain later . It’s a complex one !


    Community Champion Badge

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I’m so sorry that your dad is so sick. I can’t even imagine how stressful it must be with both of your parents in hospital. I wish there was something I could say to help. Take really good care of yourself. It’s easy to neglect yourself when you’re coping with so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.