Pain after liver resection 8 weeks post op

  • 14 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi all

My husband had his liver resection (open surgery) 8 weeks ago (65%) and has recovered fairly well. He is still having pain around his wound site which he says feels like a constant stitch. Its a vague pain during the day and becomes much worse at night. Just wondering if anyone has any experience of this?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Hi Court. Many thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I was diagnosed 2 years ago had 28 Chemo sessions and I knew at Xmas a Liver Resection operation could be possible during this summer. Although I have suffered with Anxiety and Panic attacks since Childhood (I'm 61) .I have coped very well with Chemo etc and I got myself mentally and physically prepared for op.The problem I have and I know others are the same they discharge you with a box of Pills and a letter and say thanks very much anymore problems see you're Doctor.Nothing was explained to me about what happens going forward and what sort of pain I can expect.I am a little hard on myself i suppose .Like you're Mom I am exhausted and tend to sleep a little in daytime and I don't have much of a appetite I have lost weight and the pain I have is where they made access to my Liver and I also get stiff shoulders. I am getting out and am Driving a little. I am trying to keep positive but Some days I find it difficult .I was told if all goes to plan I should be nearly recovered by Jan Feb from August. Thank you for getting in touch with me it's comforting to know I'm not alone. Give my regards to you're Mom. 

    1. I had lap surgery i at two minch pain is worse ar night intense around navel and cant bear to be on right side. Very excruciating i take pain meds and it breaks through.  I dont tell my doctors as they seem to ignore any comments about pain.Thank goodnesd i have my own pain meds as dont feel like begging for relief

  • I am blind forgive errors surgery done at Anshutz Denver they use aps to communicate and pain comments are ignored 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear you are in pain and don’t feel you are being listened to .

    When was your surgery ? 


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