Chemo not working on liver

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Following colon cancer, removal of tumour and spread to the liver, I’ve had 12 weeks of chemo. It hasn’t worked and cancer is growing on liver. I am due to have a biopsy abd then change of chemo. I will try for a second opinion.Apparently I have less than a year to go. Not the happiest of days. 

  • So sorry to hear your diagnosis. Sending lots of love. I'm afraid to ask how long i have left. Stage 4 bowel with liver and lung mets. Covid does not help. I am widowed on my own but with 2 wonderful daughters but only meet friends about once a week. I want to go out but like us all I'm very clinically vulnerable being on chemo. 

  • I'm so sorry to read this. I know how scary this can be. I am blessed with a wonderful partner, and we talk a lot about what will happen. I also asked the oncologist for his opinion on how much time I have left and this has helped. It means I can plan and organise things for my partner before I go. It doesn't mean that I have given up up. I am still determined to fight, but for me, knowing has helped. Thankfully you are blessed with two daughters which must be a great comfort. We all deal with things in different ways, there is no right answer.

    No, I don't go out much, for the same reasons as you mention. I keep busy, mainly writing as I have another book to finish before I go! I am also a Quaker, which in many ways is helping me to come to terms with the inevitable. Take care, and do come back to me if you  want to share - it helps. xx