More waiting

  • 7 replies
  • 13 subscribers


i had major surgery for bowel cancer  last February after successfully completing treatment for prostate cancer the year before (separate cancers). I have had trouble with a bladder fistula which they were looking into doing something for when a ct scan I had at the end of October showed two small lesions on my liver. Had the liver biopsy which confirmed it and finally started chemo beginning of January. I was just coming to the end of the first cycle when I had chest pain and breathlessness. They had to stop the chemo and decided to go for surgery. Since the end of January I have had mri scan ct scan and pet scan. After lots of waiting for scans doctors meetings and doctors appointment they finally rang last week to say to go for an up to date ct scan last Thursday for surgery on Friday. Got a phone on the way to hospital on Friday to say instead of my wife just dropping me off she could come in for chat with surgeon. Turns out they can’t do my surgery as on the previous days ct scan they found cancer on my lung. He said he would have to speak to oncologist about chemotherapy. I was diagnosed at the end of October have had no treatment except the one cycle of chemo and since that was stopped it has been 3 months to get surgery arranged. Because of the lack of treatment the two lesions on my liver are now bigger and there are now 3 and it has spread to my lung. There seems to no urgency about anything and now waiting to hear from oncologist about treatment which in itself is worrying with the coronavirus pandemic at it’s peak. Am I right in thinking this seems a long time to wait for treatment or is it something anyone else has experienced ?

  • Hi Hedders  firstly  sorry to hear of all the problems you have been having. It seems one thing after another,you must be fed up with it all.I was diagnosed a couple of months ago and can appreciate the frustration you are feeling now.Since the corona virus came along it seems everything else has had to take a back seat especially cancer patients.On here there are so many people who have had their treatments stopped or but back by months its scary.I don,t know how long this is going to go for but many many more people will die indirectly from the corona virus cancer patients being top of the list.Here,s hoping your treatments gets back on track  asap 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    Hi wino

    thanks for your reply. Things seemed to be slow in happening before the corona virus and I have had to chase everything up all the time but the current pandemic has obviously made everything much worse. It’s certainly all very worrying. Good luck with your treatment

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    it’s a week since I got sent home after going to hospital for my liver resection operation to be told it couldn’t go ahead because cancer had shown up my lung on previous day’s ct scan. No one has contacted me about what is next. After ringing to chase i found out I have been referred back to oncologist for chemo. Rang his secretary who promised to ring back but still hasn’t. Contacted maggie’s centre at hospital who has got the matron of the cancer unit involved who found out that dr has me in for clinic appointment next week. If I hear nothing by Monday about details of this appointment I have to let him know. It’s ridiculous to go through that awful experience and to just be left dangling. So more waiting and all the time my cancer is getting worse.

  • Hi Hedders51        What came to mind immediately after reading your post was that nursery rhyme round and round the mulberry bush, you certainly have done a few laps. I know how you feel it its frighteningly enough to be diagnosed with cancer,let alone having to worry about getting treatment. I have had to keep calling people for weeks to get to were i am now,its very stressful.I eventually got a telephone appointment with my Oncologist on Tuesday of this week. I was told i needed a urgent MRI. I got a phone call on Wednesday to say would i like to go on Thursday i jumped at the chance and said yes immediately. I should start treatment within the next week or so, was given some dates yesterday but had phone call just to say don,t rely on those dates as things are changing on a daily basis.I think you have to keep on ringing as many people as you can like you are, and don,t give up,only you can fight for the treatment you deserve.I hope you get it sorted soon.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino


    shouldn’t be like this waiting for treatment and having to chase up all the time. Surely stress is bad and has a bad effect. Hope your treatment goes ahead as planned. 

  • Hi Hedders51  I spoke to soon, Oncologist just phoned to say my MRI scan showed crumbling of my vertebrae  due to my cancer and i need a urgently referral to Oswestry  Orthopaedic Hospital to see what they can do for me. This means i can not start my chemo treatment now next week as planned, so i am now back to chasing hospital appointments between Oswestry and my Hospital to see whats happening with my treatment, i am so fed up with all of this like many on here we are not getting our treatment quick enough all because of covid 19, So back on the roller coaster they call cancer treatment . Hope it all goes well for you too.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino


    sorry to hear about your mri result. It certainly is a roller coaster. Hope you hear something soon and don’t have to have the stress of chasing up the hospital but speaking from experience I think you will probably have to. My treatment or shall I say lack of it has been slow long before the coronavirus crisis. Good luck