Liver and bowel cancer mum diagnosed

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi new to here just now found out my 73 year old mum has non treatable stage 2 cancer of liver and bowel and some lymph nodes around heart that are cancerous. Absolutely devastated Sob  praying we have time with her and that we will have this Xmas and more but so so worried 

  • Hi.

    I am very sorry to hear your Mum has Liver cancer& bowl. I would say keep hope and live the day, let there be hope & love and may you all have a wonderful Christmas and more. ( I am 78 and have had liver cancer since 2022! and the tumour some 9 cm, is stable but I have no prognosis!? )

    Take Heart, & Best wishes    Chedly


  • Thankyou so much it's totally devastating she's my best friend and an incredible lady praying for years , thankyou for this glimmer of hope xxx

  • Hi gem26 

    I'm so sorry about your mum. 

    It is hard for you get your head  round in the beginning. 

    I'm 61 and 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast  cancer  and found out a couple of months later it's spread to liver and bone .which  now they can only try and control it . 

    I've had a lot of ups and down over the last 2 year some positive news and some bad news  . 

     I try not to think about the future  to much but everyones different . 

    I know  for me I don't like  talking about it to much and just enjoy  each day as it comes  even doing simple every day things  . I haven't  asked the consultant  my timeline  and I don't want to know either as long as feel well that's enough for me . 

    Stay positive  and  enjoy  each day with her  . 

    Lots of love  x

  • Thankyou so much for the reply, sending so much love and strength to you x

  • Sorry  to hear about your mum my husband has liver cancer with metts to his lymph nodes  we was hoping to start palliative chemotherapy  but we got told on Monday that his liver is falling  , we have done lots of research into medicines and a tablet called ivermectin  was highly recommended to us from a  scientist who  has studied cancer for many a year plz look it up and see what you think  lt has been called the miracle drug and has helped people with end stage cancers , it was originally used to kill parasite  in the gut but when they gave it to patients with cancer it stopped the mutation of the cells then destroyed the cancer  I would try anything when there is nothing left to try and I will still be using this for my husband 

  • Plz research ivermectin  tablets 

  • Plz research ivermectin tablets 

  • I will look into this we have now found out the primary is ovarian cancer so she is starting chemo after Christmas. We feel every app is something new a new diagnosis it's highs and lows, positive they will start treatment and hope there but not sure what areas this will treat just the ovaries or? X

  • Hi Gems.

    Hope you and you mum are doing as well as you both can.

    My partner was advised, this time in 2024, that we should plan for the worst and not expect to see Christmas after a diagnosis of bowel cancer which had spread to her liver. One year on, her chemo worked exceptionally well (she had 8 rounds of Capox) - to such an extent that it reduced the tumour sizes and allowed them to operate in November. They unexpextedly said they have removed the cancer. This has left us baffled (but extremely grateful). I know this isn't going to be the outcome for everyone, it's more to flag that they can do a lot now. The chemo, I think, tends to target all cancer cells (not just in one location). That's what we were told by her oncologist. Got the first monitoring appointment next week. Still scary but at least we are able to have bit! I really hope they find a suitable and effective treatment for your mum. Look after yourself too - I really struggled mentally, lost appetite etc. It took me months to be able to function again but you kind of find a way. I ended up doing a lot of breathing exercises and meditation which I am amazed at as I'm usually quite cynical of that kind of thing. But it did work for me and calmed my racing mind down a bit!

  • So amazing to hear this Heart️ mum starts first chemo session tomorrow then another 3 weeks after so time will tell. They are all fantastic the team helping her. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome. So glad that your experience was so positive and wish you all the best. My dad is hiding his worry so I have to watch with him to theyv been together for 50 years. Mum's doing so well and is so so strong xx