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hi its my partner that has a tumour on his liver

  • Hi Maynia,

    First, I hope you're well. How are you? 

    I hope your partner is comfortable and thank you for reaching out.

    Are you happy for me to discuss your partners liver diagnosis? I suspect you are so please allow me to share some experiences.

    Liver cancer is a retch. It's one of the worst anyone can have but it is treatable. Thank you again for asking for some advice. It is appreciated and I personally understand how important it is for you in your partners early diagnosis to understand it.

    The liver controls so many parts of our body. 

    I'm quite lucky as mine works well as im sure yours does too.

    My Mother's liver is failing and we are looking after her as she has Cancer within her liver and because of her age there is no cure.

    To put no screen on the fact she's dying of her liver Cancer.

    That's a hey ho for us but suspect your partner has so many more options available to him. 

    Please speak to your GP, get them onto the specialists who I know can help. Please reference the need to understand the bile ducts issue and potentially why he might have loose movements.

    Be strong and together we will fight this. Together.
