Worst news

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Today all my fears came true. My husbands oncologist rang last week to request an unscheduled appt for yesterday, we had a feeling it was to have THE talk about withdrawing active treatment. At the appt that's exactly what it was. There is only to be supportive care from now on from a palliative care Dr & Community nurses although a referral has been made to our local hospice but they only have limited beds so care there is unlikely. The biggest shock though was the prognosis! 2 to 3 months maybe less. We are devastated & our whole world has just been blown apart. We have gone from diagnosis in March & being told 2 to 5 years then after a delay in starting chemo in may told 18mths to 2 yrs to this ! I have more words but wanted to update for anyone who has followed my previous posts.

  • Hi Modge welcome to the forum and I am so sorry to hear what has happened for you both. Im wondering, given whats been said, if it is possible to go back to speak to the Consultant. Im imagining that you would both be in shock at this appointment and it is not unreasonable to assume that you now have questions and need answers. Is that a possibility to see this Consultant again? It shocking that things have been left as they are for you both and thats not ok. 


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  • Hi, the consultant gave good explanation of why active treatment is being withdrawn, my husbands liver is too diseased & the tumours are growing too fast, he said that his liver is not coping with combined therapy & therefore would not cope with tablet therapy as its more toxic to the liver. We only asked for prognosis at the end of a fairly long consultation. We already had an inkling that they were going to withdraw treatment so had questions ready, the shock was the short prognosis. We had already been  warned earlier that in my husbands case when this time came it would be sudden & quick but we hadn't expected it now !