Scared & not feeling positive

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How do people cope with the roller coaster of cancer ? The giving of hope & positivity only to be knocked back again within a couple of weeks. My husband was diagnosed with primary liver cancer in March (found incidentally) & since then our lives have been devastated. Initially, we were told surgery & follow up treatment, then, after further tests told not suitable cancer was incurable,Next we were Told he should be suitable for TACE, after 2 weeks we were told not suitable, then, we were told he was suitable for combined chemo /immunotherapy in 3 weely cycles& if he tolerated well they foresaw he could live well for another 3/4 years, maybe longer. 5 weeks ago he had 1st treatment, all went well & we were begining to be encouraged. Next blood tests for chemo showed raised LFTs & chemo wasn't done. Last week results down a bit but still not able to have chemo. We don't have a nurse specialist or Macmillan nurse (apparently there isnt one) & nobody to turn to for advice or support other than consultant oncologist, we were promisedall sorts at chemo pre assessmentbut when weve asked - nothing available. Apparently we won't see the liver specialist anymore now either. We've had to ring around to get any info & can only leave messages to which nobody replies, however, phonecall from oncologist last week said my husband might now not be suitable for this treatment either ! He's had another scan on Monday & bloods including AFP & w go this afternoon for results; I'm dreading more bad news !! We have our list of questions ready, but past experience doesn't give any positivity. Where is all this support that's meant to be there ? My youngest son also has cancer & we've had similar experience. After 12 months of a consultant messing around my son is now extremely ill & has been passed to another Dr who has discovered a 2nd large tumour & were taking my son (2 hours before my hubby's appt this afternoon) for a pre op assessment ready for urgent surgery on Monday. I'm afraid there's no positivity here, we've run out. How do people cope, & is there anyone who has had chemo stopped after the 1st cycle but then had another form of treatment with good results. Thanks for reading such a long posting.

  • Oh Modge! I am reading your post with a lump in my throat! I can really identify with your story as it is so similar to mine, I was diagnosed with liver cancer and was told I had a very short time left, just a few months and to go home and get my affairs in order as the tumour is inoperable and untreatable. I went home in shock basically and it was only after 6 weeks I could really think of all the questions I wanted to ask. My experience was the same as yours, couldn't get hold of anyone, didn't have any nurse or specialist I could talk to, the only councillor available (after 5 weeks) just wanted to discuss my end of life plan. They promised me they would not just leave me adrift but that is exactly where I was.

    Modge you may not want to do this but I just got so angry at the situation I contacted PALS (the complaints body of the hospital) and layed out every last detail in letter form, including the fact that I was getting stronger and fitter every week and this couple of months I had left was over a year ago! I also contacted my mp with the story and he was ready to advocate for me, this made the hospital start a series of new tests and to cut a long story short the MDT have said I should be started on chemo very soon. It is wrong that we have to go to such lengths when we are not up to it mentally or physically.

    Contact your GP and ask about counselling for you and your family, contact the complaints board at your hospital, ask your mp to advocate for you. Something should happen very quickly.

    I really hope you and your husband can get through this but please don't try to do it alone, rope in anyone that can help.

    I wish you the best of luck and life