treatment pathways

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi all, just a quick questions. I was recently taken off immunotherapy, only had 6 cycles due to limiting side effects. My next and only treatment option  (apart from the no treatment option) is Lenvima. Has anyone followed this path of treatment for HCC ? Trying to weigh up whether to start taking this new drug as finding info on treatments for HCC seems to be incredibly difficult



  • Hi Gina, I too have HCC along with cirrhosis ,  they treated me with TACE , this was last August and I have MRI scans along with  CT scans every 12 weeks along with blood tests, the oncologist said , it has worked quite well so far , have they offered you this treatment ? Best Wishes Rosie xx

  • Hi rosie16, thanks for your reply. No lenvima is the final and only option. I am mainly scared of getting really bad side effects as have been dealing with them since November.