Bowel cancer with liver metastases

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Diagnosed with stage 1 endometrial cancer. A further scan revealed i have stage 4 bowel cancer with metastases in the ,Iver and a patch on the lungs. Have had one course of chemo, a portal vein embolisation and am going to have another course of chemo to hopefully clear a patch  of cancer on the other side of my liver so I can have a liver resection.

  • Hi

    As this group is for primary liver cancer I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you might be best posting in either or both of the bowel cancer group and secondary liver cancer group to connect with others who have mets in their liver from their bowel cancer. If you'd like to do this clicking on the links in green will take you there.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment.


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