Chemo and Immunotherapy - Body/Mentality Changes

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Evening all,

I hope everyone is well.

I just wondered how members that have been through chemotherapy and Immunotherapy changed in appearance? If any changes at all.

My Dad has Stage 4 SCLC (small cell lung cancer) also on his liver and spine and had his first chemotherapy treatment last Tuesday (Carboplatin and Etoposide) also with immunotherapy (Atezolizumab). Previous to this he had been in hospital for 5 days as his sodium levels were abnormal. And a further 8 days after his treatment. 

He is now home, he seems to have some colour back in his face but looks pale-ish and obviously has lost weight. He was very distressed in hospital, he had to go in immediately, he had his first cycle of treatment but his Liver took a knock and they thought treatment would have to be stopped. Thankfully his liver is now stable enough to continue with treatment, he’s on antibiotics for a slight liver infection and is taking sodium pills at home, so it has been a very very stressful couple of weeks for him. He doesn’t have a good body clock at the moment either so he’s not sleeping through the night and his brain is ticking over constantly, it’s really given his mental health a knock. He is up and about but obviously a little weak and still napping. 

He has an appetite, which is good, he is eating at home but he just looks thinner now.

I just wondered what image effects/mental effects treatment and the journey had on others?

Thank you

Lucie x 

  • Hi . Just dropped by and noticed you've not yet had a reply so until the members here come forward I'll add my comments even though I have a different type of cancer and I'm no medical expert!

    I think your Dad's gone through quite a bit of trauma with his body, especially when sodium levels can't be stabilised. I do remember a friend's Dad really had a hard time of it when his sodium levels went awry, every other medication he took had to temporarily be re-prescribed and he also lost significant weight. Quick weight loss always can make people look haggard.

    Don't forget most hospital food is dire at the best of times. (I only enjoyed the calorie laden puds when I was briefly in) It's good he has an appetite and is eating ok. Anxiety will also effect his sleep patterns and it's difficult to turn off mentally at a time like this.

    I've put in a link to Macmillan Information pages about  Chemotherapy  which may be helpful to you.

    It will take a while, baby steps but I think it's wonderful he has you for support.

    Big hugs, B xx

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  • Hi

    Thank you for your response.

    Another good day of eating, 1 rasher of bacon this morning with an egg Grinning and I think he finished my Mum’s off. He managed to get out yesterday, albeit for a cup of tea but it definitely perked him up. 

    As you say, baby steps and 1 day at a time.

    Thank you

    Lucie x