Sodium Levels/Liver Deteriorated

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers


My Dad has been diagnosed with SCLC (Small Cell Lung Cancer) but with spread on his Liver. His treatment plan is Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy.

He has to go into hospital on Friday as his Sodium levels were all over the place. He’s been in since Friday, has had copious amounts of blood tests since Friday, but his sodium levels have not changed. He had his first session of chemotherapy and immunotherapy yesterday. Today, he seemed well, he’s alert and looked so much better today than he did at the weekend before treatment started.

This afternoon we had a phone call to go to the hospital. His Liver has deteriorated and now they need to concentrate on the Liver before the chemotherapy and Immunotherapy can continue, to say we are gutted is an understatement. The Oncology team have promised they will do everything they can quickly to try and sort the Liver, but until then no further treatment.

Today, seemed positive, tonight I feel nauseous, numb and absolutely petrified of what could come.

  • Hi . I'm sorry to read your dad's liver function has deteriorated causing a halt to the chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments. When the body reacts adversely to various treatments it puts you straight back to square one causing stress and anxiety all round. Rest assured your Dad's team will be doing everything they can to sort the problem out.

    It might be a good idea for you to take a look at the Family and Friends forum where you'll be able to connect with others in the same situation supporting and worrying about a family member.

    I hope your Dad's back on his adjuvant treatments very soon.

    Sending hugs, B xx

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