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  • 13 subscribers

A relative struggling with an advanced liver cancer has been offered immunotherapy. This came as a glimmer of hope amidst the poor prognosis. However, in order to do this, they will have to wait for an assessment and have a biopsy. This brings two difficulties : first, there is not enough time to wait (therefore another round of chemo has been suggested) , and second, they seem reluctant to go through the biopsy procedure again due to the pain. Chemo might be an option, however, doctors have warned them that another round could have the opposite effect.

Has anyone had any similar experiences in supporting someone going through these tough decisions about treatment? 

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm very sorry to read that your relative has advanced liver cancer but that's good that they're being offered immunotherapy. 

    I've not been in your position, as I was the one with cancer, but it's natural that you want to try and help them make a decision about whether to have treatment or not. One of the things that may help them make a decision is how much longer having immunotherapy may give them and what are the potential side effects?

    You might also find reading this information from Macmillan on supporting a family member with treatment decisions useful to have a look through.


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  • Moseying around the site …I’ve liver secondary terminal cancer, second biopsies are not used unless absolutely necessary, don’t hurt as much as enable cells to be set free into the rest of the body 

    if you have a relative with liver cancer then may I suggest that it’s easier perhaps for relative to find others with cancer 

    I see the effect cancer has on family and friends, cancer is a very lonely disease emotive and scary …

    and the publications from Macmillan are very useful and free …send for them, for your relative …latchbrook is right

    knowledge is powerThinkingKissing heart 
    you help by caring so much, with time cups of tea etc

    and enabling your relative to perhaps interact with others with cancer ? 
    best wishes to you …