My Brother's Cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any relevant information on the effects of cancer drugs on the patient. 

My brother has terminal liver cancer and lives in New Zealand, we have always been very close, even though he now lives on the other side of the world and recently he has been texting me that his wife and children are ganging up against him and not treating him well. This is obviously very concerning to me and some of the stuff he tells me is quite surprising. I just wondered if the drugs that he would be taking may make him think that it's worse than it is? I know he is on morphine but dont know the other drugs he takes.

Does anyone recognize this behaviour? Sorry I can't be more specific about the drugs he takes but am worried that they may be affecting his behaviour. It's not that I don't believe him, the texts are now relentless on a daily basis about how the rest of his family are treating him and I just need to know if this behaviour may be a symptom of the drugs, or his family really are treating him that way?


  • Hi,

    im sorry to hear about your brother. It’s very hard when he is so far away. My father acts very strange on morphine. He has terminal liver cancer and when he has a larger dose of morphine he gets really paranoid and thought the nurses in the hospital were trying to do him harm and ganging up on him. Obviously I don’t know your brothers situation with his family, but just wanted to say that I could see how how the morphine could make him say those things.Take Care Helen 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Helsb1976

    Hi Helen,

    Thanks so much for you message, it sounds like maybe the morphine may be affecting my brother's mood and what he tells me. That's very helpful.

    Thanks again,
