Itching (due to jaundice) relief advice

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi all. My 84yr old grandmother has been diagnosed with either liver or pancreatic cancer. She has a scan on Wednesday to investigate what exactly is happening. She has quite bad jaundice and the only thing affecting her mood is the itching caused by this. She has been prescribed meds to try to help and we are currently trying out different creams to reduce the burning/itchy sensation she getting. During the day, she can control how much she's scratching, but at night time, she is waking herself up scratching terribly. She is covered in bruises and cuts and it's so frustrating we can't help her. Just wondering if any sufferers or carers have any advice they can offer to relieve this particular symptom please. I've suggested cooling gel packs but she doesn't seem keen. She's keeping the house cool. Is there anything else we can try until we can seek further professional advice? She's only recently been diagnosed to this is a huge learning curve for us all. Thanks in advance

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is currently waiting for a diagnosis. This must be an incredibly tough time for you all.

    I'm hoping that she talked to someone about the itching she's experiencing when she went for a scan yesterday and that they've prescribed her something different to what she's currently using.


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