Dad diagnosed with Liver and Kidney Cancer

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My 72 year old Dad has recently been diagnosed with Liver and Kidney Cancer. They think it is two separate cancers. Biggest shock ever.

We lost my Mum to Esophageal Cancer just 17 months ago. She was so poorly for a few years before she passed away. It was a terrible time. My parents had been married 51 years and my Dad was so lost when she passed away. He wasn't really eating properly at all for her final year as she felt so sick all the time because of her chemo and couldn't eat properly because of the cancer and her stent. Then after she went he didn't really want to eat. He started feeling poorly about 6 months ago. He has always been a very fit and active man, going on massive walks around Cornwall where we live and walking his dog 4 times a day. But he began to struggle, get out of breath and had some chest pain.

He had loads of tests, they thought it was because he was anaemic. Anyway, they found out he had Cirrhosis of the liver and a problem with his veins in his legs.

He then went to see the Liver specialist again and was told the awful news. That was two weeks ago.

They have said that they want to take his kidney out and for him to have TACE in a couple of weeks.

He has a problem with his heart which would normally mean he could have a stent fitted, but that would mean being on blood thinning tablets for a year after, but if that happens he wouldn't be able to have the operation.

We saw the Cardiologist yesterday and he is waiting for Dad's last CT scan results. When they have these he is going to have a meeting with the liver and the kidney specialists and they are going to decide what to do.

They have said he can have the TACE whatever happens so that is a positive.