Regorafenib anyone?

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  • 11 subscribers

Hello. First time post but would appreciate any comments.

I was on Sorafenib for five months with no response to treatment. The 'little devil' has invaded numerous gastric lymph nodes and gone up to my lungs.  All moving scarily fast.

My oncologist is starting me on Regorafenib this Thursday. It is not normally available on NHS but he was able to get this for me, on compassionate grounds, as he is involved with a lot of research and the drug company 'like to keep in with him' (his words)!

I have had to wait one month for the drug to get 'pharmacy approved' as not been administered there before. 

Not so much info online as only one trial has been carried out.

Just wondering if anyone in similar situation of 'what now after Sorafenib fails'.


  • FormerMember


    We are here in the same situation with  unresponsive 3 months of Sorafenib and about to start Regorafenib. Hubby experience with Sorafenib wasn't so bad except for the wheight /hair loss and fatigue but now I'm really scared with the next step.

    Couldn't find much more information online and would be great to hear from you what to expect.