understanding a diagnosis

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 I have received a letter from Haematology Dept , I am diagnosed with Monoclonal B-Cell lymphocytosis

I have absolutely no uderstanding of the following and wondered if anyone can explain ?  -

Haemoglobin 126, white cell count 12.5, platelets 282, lymphocytes 8.3, neutrophils 3.5

Much appreciated


  • Hi Jill  this basically means your bone marrow is over producing lymphocytes….. ( I was the same at times but member I have a different type of blood cancer) and this often happens with CLL.

    Your various blood counts are ether slightly high, low or in the normal ranges……. again this happened to me.

    Unfortunately complicated blood results go hand in hand with living with a blood cancer….. in all my 25 years I have never totally understood why….

    But the main thing I worked with was if my clinical team were happy and were not expressing any cancers - I was happy. 

    The best people to talk with are your clinical team as they can explain better and relate everything to YOUR individual circumstances ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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