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I have overcome 2 lots of cancer one prostrate and 2012 lukeminia but in the last 18 months I feel so tired and limp with a bad discoloured leg. I have pain just about everywhere but I'm clear with the cancer. I am afraid of my surgery as I have no faith in them. I find it hard to sleep and there is no restbite from the stabbing pains to not just my right one but now both.According to my consultant at Barts, he gave me 10 years and that was from 2013 at times At times I feel so alone and afraid

  • Hi Racy

    i am sorry to hear that you are feeling alone and afraid. You mention surgery but I am not sure if this surgery you have already had or surgery you are due to have.

    You shouldn’t have to be in pain and have  a discoloured leg so I would try and see your GP or your consultant as soon as possible so they give you something to alleviate the pain and find out why you are having it.

    I am not sure what type of Leukemia you had. I had ALL and also had my treatment in Barts at the end of 2012 and 2013. 

    You may also want to call the MacMillan support line on the number below as they will talk to you about your fears and concerns and can offer you support in many ways. 


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