myeloproliferative disorder ET

  • 5 replies
  • 5 subscribers

just wonder if anyone has this disorder and is sixty im in pain and know nothing about this disorder only the basics would like to here and know more.if anyone can help me to know more i would be grateful. thank you Jill.

  • FormerMember

    HI Jill

    I have ET. I was diagnosed with it about 5 years ago after a blood test, i probably had it for a number of years without knowing. 

    I have no obvious symptoms, except tiredness although that could be something else. I do keep fit and try and eat a balanced diet. i am now 53 so i'm young to have ET so i'm told.

    My platelet count has been steady at around 600 - 700 for the 5 years. i have blood tests every 3 months and go to see my haematologist every year up to now this is a quick 15 mins chat. I also take a baby aspirin daily, i understand this is essential and not to be missed.

    In January of this year i had a few elevated counts of platelets and other things (not really sure what these were) and i am taking a low dose chemotherapy tablets (hydroxycarbamide) for 30 days and lucky i have no side effects. i go back to see my Haematologist after the month course and see what has happened.

    if you are in pain i would go and see your doctor either GP or specialist and ask for more information as to what the pain might be.

    If i could help further please let me know.

    Hope it helps and be careful what you read on the internet, some is good (Macmillan or blood wise) and some is from by view inaccurate, misleading and scary, which is not what living with ET is from my experience.

  • FormerMember

    I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed one year ago.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill, I have ET but i'm 33 sorry. What kind of pain have you been having and where if you don't mind me asking!? Have you seen the doctors about this since your post? Kind regards Gemma 

  • Hi Jill.i was was diagnosed  with thrombocythaemia  (et).I am 67 and I was  made an appointment  with the blood got my name got called in I went.  Doctor told me I had got blood cancer..leading up to this 1 was in hospital with clots in my legs. It was a shock  ill tell you.then he said iwould be on cheemo for the rest of my begun with drug and after they just make me drowsy. This et blood cancer  is it classed as a form of leukaemia and are we abl to lead a normal life

  • Hi  and I see it’s your first post so welcome to the Community.

    You may want to join and post in our dedicated MDS/MPN/ET/PV/myelofibrosis (MF) group as you will connect with others who have ET.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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