worried about symptoms

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hi all.  After a bad period of stress in Dec 23, in Jan / Fab I noticed firstly that I had to keep clearing my throat and a horseness of my voice. I put this to the back of my mind and carried on with life.  in March / April I started to get gripping pain after eating in my upper left chest. Then came the stomach pain / loose stools. I was started on PPI's which I didn't get on with an moved to an H2 blocker.  I had a mysterious actived lymph node under my right armpit that measured about 1cm and lasted a month or so.  I had an ultrasound of my liver where a (probably) benign lesion on my liver was found.  by May I was getting horrible 'food stuck' sensations behind my breastbone. last month I had camera investigations that found gastritis and reflux.  Since then my symptoms have worsened.  I have a persistent cough, and the food stuck feeling is now more in my throat, indigestion can last 12 hours and I have difficulty swallowing.  I am seeing my GP on wed and thinking I should ask for an urgent referral to ENT?

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to hear about what you have been going through. The impact of stress is so often totally underestimated, I was recently signed off work for about 10 weeks. 

    Best wishes for your GP appointment today and hopefully you will find a way to move forward. 



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  • Thank you.  My GP is sending me for urgent referral to ENT and chest x ray so should finally get some answers