Diagnosed today

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  • 73 subscribers

Hi I had a scan at the beginning of the month and had my follow up today. I was told that I have a tumour greater than 7cm and have been advised that the best course of action is to have my whole kidney removed 1) because of the size and 2) because of the position. I was in shock as this was only picked up due to a fall in June. I was told if it was less than 7cm it would have been easier  t to remove the tumour and only a partial removal of the kidney but as mine is greater than 7 they recommend removing the whole kidney. I will be having keyhole surgery. I am feeling really scared- I’m 43 and mother to 12&15 year olds - I haven’t mentioned cancer but have told them I’ll be having a kidney removed, as my daughter is doing her gcse this year I don’t want either of them to worry. The consultant who will be doing the surgery says that this procedure should eradicate the cancer as it hasn’t spread to other parts of the body. I’ve been advised that I should have the op within the next 4 weeks but due to waiting lists it might be slightly longer. I am scared that it will spread before they remove it - 

  • Hi there, I had exactly the same experience in June this year. I felt discomfort in my abdomen area and was sent for an ultrasound. A 5cm mass was found in my right kidney. I was in total shock and felt very scared. 
    Through chatting on here and speaking to lots of people I found out how common this is and how surgery is very successful. I’m 52 and have 2 teenagers and we sat them down and told them everything. They’ve been great and we’ve not hidden anything but totally understand if your child is going through their exams. I had to hide it from my mum initially as she lives on her own and worries a lot. I told her once I knew the course of action. 
    I’ve now had the whole kidney removed by keyhole. I took 8 weeks off work, I’m a fitness instructor. I’m now going back to classes next week and have started exercising again. My surgery was successful and I’m feeling relieved and positive for the future. 
    Keep chatting to people and I just felt thankful it was found. I hope that helps x 

  • Thank you so much for replying, I feel a lot less scared hearing your story. I do feel positive with the knowledge they want to remove the whole kidney as I feel that is the best cause of action, but I’m worried that I will not be able to have the surgery due to having heart problems, which I only found out about on Monday. Do you know if you have a problem with your heart (I have aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation) whether they might decide surgery is not the best option- I was just In Shock when I was told and didn’t think to ask these questions. I really do hope I have the surgery.

  • Hi there, no I don’t have any heart problems. 
    I hope you’re able to have the surgery too. It is such a shock isn’t it hearing the news. But I’m sure you’ll be in capable hands and they’ll know the way forward. I hope it’s not too long before your next appointment. 
    I wrote lots of questions on my phone on the lead up to my consultations so I felt comforted in what was going to happen and what to expect. 
    Maybe do the same, any questions at all that pop in your head. Ask your family too if they can think of anything you need to know x