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I am just 77 and due to have my left kidney removed in the next month due to cancer.  I am finding the thought of going through such a big operation a bit daunting and would like to hear from any other seniors like myself who have been through or about to go through the same op.

Thanks, Meggie

  • I think the general experience amongst those who have had that operation is that it is not really anything like as bad as they fear. Pain seems minimal, complications are rare and it's soon over.  The recovery is a slightly different matter but really you have nothing major to worry about. Anyway best wishes to you. Please let us know how you are getting on.

  • Thanks Simon, that's good to know.

  • I had a partial kidney removal last Dec. It took a long while ,initially wouldn't consider surgery,to agree to go ahead.

    Had never had any surgery ,talked to a cancer nurse about my fears,misplaced,and finally agreed.

    Follow up appointment was that cancer removed and clear.

    You can ask for a sedative,to help relax on the day

    I would have agreed earlier to surgery in hindsight,and been in less pain for months.

    Do talk about any fears,anxiety with someone.

    I don't fear hospital stays anymore,was in for 4 days.

    Best wishes

    I'm 58 

  • Agree, procedure ok, pain manageable, recovery not great but different for everyone. You will be ok I'm sure Thumbsup tone1 

  • Thanks Nidge, I am going to speak to someone which I think will help. I hope your recovery has been good.