Process of diagnosis

  • 11 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hello all first post here. I hope it's okay as I don't have a current diagnosis. I ended up in hospital with gallstones and a 'lesion' was discovered of 5cm in my left kidney.

I had an emergency CT scan.

A consultant came to see me and told me it's a tumor which will almost definitely need surgery and they suspect it's malignent. My case would go to MDT and I would receive communication within 2 weeks with a plan.

10 days on I have an email to say I have a telephone consultation in 2 weeks!!!

After surgery for gallstones iv tried not to think too much regarding this but I'm struggling to think another 2 weeks of having no idea what is going on?

Is this normal?

Thank you for any guidance 


  • Hi Kymi290

    It's good that they are planning to act quickly....less time for you to worry. I know it's not good news,but hopefully by removing the kidney it will all be sorted, and they have a clear plan.

    Hope you're feeling OK.

    best wishes
