Unexpected recent diagnosis

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  • 80 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I've been feeling ill for months but only went to my doctor about 3 weeks ago. I expected diabetes due to my symptoms.

It's a long story but I ended up in hospital after a few days having a chest X-Ray and 2 CT scans. Turns out I have kidney cancer. I do also have diabetes and also I'm anaemic, plus reading between the lines, the doctors think more maybe going on. The doctor who broke the cancer news wasn't very nice, she was blunt and gave me no warning of what she was going to say. I had nobody with me either to support me. By this time I'd already been told I had diabetes (type 1) which wasn't a shock, but cancer was the last thing on my mind. It turns out my GP suspected it and would have ordered a CT scan if the hospital hadn't done so the same day. I'll never forget the moment I was told.

I have surgery to remove my entire kidney and surrounding "bits" in a few weeks. It still hasn't sunk in at all. I'm a shy person so find it hard to talk to people but I desperately want to. I'm aware of all the online help but actually asking for it is tough for me.

I'm quite clued up on the cancer and what the surgery entails, but a big problem I'm having is with my eyesight, due to starting on insulin. It's really hard to focus on anything and I have the text zoomed up to mahoosive levels to even be able to write this! So that isn't helping. I have close to zero diabetes support and I know this isn't the place for that. I also FEEL I have no support for cancer either. I was given a card but then you have to call and leave a message including the question you want to ask, and wait for a call back. It seems so impersonal. It's not as if I have any specific questions anyway. I just want to talk.

So that's me, feeling sorry for myself, struggling to see and scared of what's around the corner.

  • Hello Beefymoo

    I'm sorry you have to find yourself here, it must have been an awful shock to be told your cancer news in such a blunt way. But you have done the right thing in reaching out to the people here on the forums, where you'll get plenty of support from people who really understand what it is like to go through this.

    My suggestion to your last comments, regarding having questions you want to ask, is to make use of the 'Ask an Expert' facility on here, and also phone the support line. You can spend as long as you need discussing your queries, with very knowledgeable staff!

    Also, if you prefer face-to-face conversations, see if there is a Macmillan or Maggie's centre near to where you live. You will get plenty of support and information there.

    I personally did not have surgery, so I cannot advise about it, but there are many people using this forum at the moment who have been through renal surgery, or are about to. 

    It might be a good idea to put some information about your 'cancer journey' in your profile, so that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. You can read more about most people's experiences by clicking on their names.

    There are a few people here who do have type one diabetes, so you may get some responses if you ask questions.

    I hope all goes well with your surgery! Do keep posting....the waiting times are the worst! It helps to share your feelings with others.

    Stay strong


  • Hi Candysmum,

    Thanks for your lovely message and all the help. I usually write very long posts in forums and emails but my eyes are so bad now, I'll have to keep things shorter. I'll always read everything and take it all on board though.

    Thanks for the tips on asking the experts and also filling out more details in my profile. I have tried and failed to find where I can fill out details in the profile, other than the basics which I did yesterday that didn't seem to save. I've done it again and I'll look around for somewhere I can write more, although with my eyes like this I won't be writing much. Disappointed

    I'll look up any support centres near me, thanks for the suggestion. I know I already have but my mind's a maze lately and I can't even remember what I found! Slight smile

    Thanks again for your kind and helpful post.


  • Hello, I hope you're ok! As candysm said, not nice how blunt that doctor was in regards to informing you of your diagnosis! There are ways of telling people such devastating news! 
    We're all here should you want to chat! I'm not diabetic but have recently had my operation to remove my kidney and tumour.. return to work next week. More info on my profile x take care 

  • Hi, nice to meet you and thanks for the message.  Slight smile

    No that doc wasn't good at all. Part of me wants to complain but for now I don't have it in me. I don't want her in trouble but to have a bit of training in such things. Everyone else in that department was absolutely amazing.

    I'll look at your profile as I'm interested in how similar our cases are. I'm glad you're back to work next week, that's a big step.  :) 

    Oh and I have off the shelf cheap reading glasses for now and they're making life so much easier! I can actually see my computer monitor for a change. Woohoo.

  • Just to add to my last reply - I've just read your profile and it looks like our cases are similar, with the same size tumour and also the same procedure to remove it. It sounds like you're struggling a little more than my research suggests, so I'm quite nervous at how immobile I'll be afterwards. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Scary times.

  • Hi again Beefymoo

    It's great that you have found a solution to your reading difficulties! is this problem with your sight likely to improve once you've stabilised on your diabetic medication, or is it too early to tell? Have you been given any information about it?

    I hope it will improve, as it will make things much easier for you.

    Hope you are managing to occupy yourself and not getting too anxious whilst you wait for your op. It really is the hardest time, waiting for things to happen. It gets easier once you have a clear treatment plan.

    best wishes


  • Hi again, hope you're doing ok.

    Yea these glasses are amazing! I thought that due to the reason my eyes are blurred, they'd be blurred whatever sort of glasses I tried. I'm happy that's not the case.

    I have been told almost nothing about the blurriness, other than it's normal and can take "weeks" to clear up. How many weeks is a mystery but I'm sure it differs for everyone. My eyes have been poor for years for closeup stuff and me being me, I have put off seeing an optician. So once they settle down, I'll have a proper test and get the right glasses. I was told to get my GP to refer me for an eye test but this close to surgery I don't want to do that.

    I am struggling emotionally waiting for surgery. I'm not sure how I'll be afterwards and I know nobody can predict it. It depends if they find it's spread more than they thought (I sooooooo hope not) and if keyhole is adequate. They're doing it keyhole with robots.

    Part of me is struggling to feel whatever I'm feeling. I've struggled for a long time with letting my emotions out and that may not be helping, but I can't seem to control it.

  • Are you going through this alone, BeefyMoo, or do you have someone around to support you? It does help if you can talk through some of your worries. The support line here is a good place to seek reassurance. It is normal and quite OK to feel worried and emotional. Everyone here has been through this too...and you can offload on here as much as you need!

    Hope you have something distracting and enjoyable planned for the weekend.


  • Remember everyone is very different, we all heal differently, so you might be totally fine!  you might not be immobile... I struggled to bend, stretch, go to the loo, needed assistance getting in and out of bed! But again you might find the whole process/procedure ok! Thumbsup tone1 

    I've only been off work for 8 weeks, it isn't that long really in the grand scheme of things as in such a big procedure but I feel mentally ready. I'm sure my body will soon tell me if I've made right decision!!! Face palm tone1Flushed

  • We're all here for you to offload x