Reduction in Tumors

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  • 66 subscribers

Good Morning, I hope everyone is doing well. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer 4th April 2024. I have posted on here a few times and now have an update. I went for my 3 month scans last week. My kidney tumor was 11.8 cm by 12cm and lung mets, in both lungs, around 28 altogether 15-22 mm. I went yesterday for my consultation and am extremely happy to report a reduction in both. Kidney tumor by 2cm and lung mets by 5mm. I was very shocked and surprised but unbelievably happy. I currently take Nivolumab by IV every 4 weeks, only had 3 so far. I also take Cabozantinib, 1 tablet everyday for around 3 months. I changed my diet, no processed foods, lots of vegetables and did 6 weeks no sugar. I started drinking lots of ginger and turmeric drinks and Essiac Tea. I know it’s early days but the cancer hasn’t spread anywhere else which is also good news. I honestly can’t believe the results and hope that the therapy continues to work for me. I feel I have come to terms with the diagnosis very well, it wasn’t this way in April and I thought my time was up. The news yesterday has elevated my determination to get this disease beat. Keep well everyone and try to remain as positive as possible. X

  • Great news Russell !

    At first, everything seems hopeless, but it's amazing how effective immunotherapy can be.

    Hope the reductions continue. Fingers crossed!


  • That's great news and so reassuring for a lot of us going through similar things. I am due to start immunotherapy on Monday, on the basis that my recent scan is ok (I will know tomorrow). So pleased for you and sending all my best.

  • Hi MHaw, I do hope your scans go well for you tomorrow, I feel for you as I know what the wait is like. I also hope that you get put on to the immunotherapy from Monday. Please keep us up to date on your progression. Take care, and chat soon. 

  • That’s great news Russel :) keep up the positive attitude it goes a long way . 

  • Good for You Russell.   I believe Cabo is a really good strong drug. 

    Hy Hubby has a 14 cm tumour which had metastacised to his lymph nodes and lung.  The trial drugs (Avemulab and Axitinib) appeared to have shrunk the tumour and dispersed the lesions on the lung - but it spread to his liver. 

    Now on Cabozantinib - which originally shrunk his tumour a little more and also attacked the liver.  However he couldn't tolerate the drug after a couple of months.  He came off, had a month break and then went back on at half the dose.  He now feels great, with all side effects very manageable.  All the tumours are stable and have been for 6 months - which is great news.  

  • That’s really great news Mumra, if you don’t mind what were his side effects? And on what dosage? I do hope your husband gets well and beats this. X

    1. So glad to hear that.  First time posting here with a similar situation as yourself.  Hope all works out for you