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Hi all, I have just joined this group and just finding my way around.  I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in April and 9 weeks ago had my kidney removed. I am relieved to say that they managed to remove the cancer.  It was at stage 3 but not spread.  I will be undergoing immunotherapy next Monday which will hopefully decrease the chance of reoccurrence.  I am a bit nervous as to how this will affect me but have great support from family and friends.  It's been a real emotional rollercoaster but I remain positive.  

  • Not too bad thanks.  Just a little bit wobbly and tired this afternoon and I slept well last night but nothing else at the moment.  Although it could take a few days but hopefully nothing too bad x

  • I’m 52, still young…. Wow, exactly the same as me! I tried a yoga move and experienced pain like my intestines were twisted. It just felt not right in that area. My gp too sent me for an ultrasound and had bloods taken. I’m so thankful she did! 
    We’re very lucky our lumps were found! Not sure what to name mine… think I just want it out and not name it at all ;-) 

  • Still very young xx 

  • I named him Harry as I tried to make humour out of a very bad situation I guess!  But like you couldn't wait to kick harry to the kerbside Joy

  • Long lasting excessive fatigue seems common after a rad neph. The body has suffered a massive injury and shock. It takes time to heal.

  • Agree! The tiredness is real

  • Hi MHaw. I wanted to say hi as I'm due to have my left kidney removed in a couple of weeks. Knowing you only stayed overnight is reassuring to me as I'm particularly anxious about staying in hospital. I'm having keyhole surgery with robots and I plan to give the robots some nice cheese sandwiches in the hope they'll do a better job.

    You said it hadn't spread but does that include the lymph node and adreanal gland? It's in both those in my case but they don't think it's spread beyond that. My surgeon seemed to imply they take both the lymph node and adreanal gland out as a matter of coarse when removing a kidney.

    May I ask how large your tumour was?

  • Hi there - my surgery was keyhole but with a surgeon. I was lucky that mine didn't spread and was just within the kidney. It was 9cm in size so quite big and when I had my follow up appt I was told the cancer had all been removed and it was at stage 3. You will be in good hands. With regards to the recovery just be kind to yourself and rest but also make sure you do walk about. Just take things slow and each day you'll feel that bit more stronger and will be able to do a little more. 

    I was also quite emotional in the weeks after as think it all just hit me and I didn't quite digest it all at the time. We have a cancer wellness clinic by the hospital so I went along and had a chat with one of the councillors. This really helped me as I think I put too much pressure on myself to get back to normal quickly. Things take time so you just need to go at your own pace.

    Take care and try not to worry. Although I know its easier said then done.

  • Hi MHaw, thanks for replying to my post.
    I could have had non-robotic keyhole depending which of 2 hospitals had a space for me sooner. I think it's better that it's the robot option although the travel to and from there will be a major pain.
    I'm glad the tumour hadn't spread at all for you, that must have been a huge relief to get that news. My surgeon said something about something else possibly causing it to look like my adreanal gland or lymph node has cancer, but the details are sketchy in my head.
    Knowing that you only stayed in overnight is very reassuring for me and I already feel a little happier. Of course I know things may be different for me but I'm trying to think only of the best case scenario.
    Today I feel strangely ok. I don't know if my brain is blocking out the fear or something but I feel quite calm and am just looking forward to getting home and feeling better.
    I don't think, although I'm going to double check, that there's councillors at my nearest hospital. I'll find out where my nearest option is anyway as I really could do with face to face conversations. I only have one option of that currently and I am struggling some days.
    Thanks for your support and kind words. I hope you continue to recover well.
  • Thank you and I understand how scary this must be for you. I know I felt the same but my family have been a huge support and they got me through. Although talking to someone outside of family and friends does really help. Hopefully you have somewhere local you can go to. You have MacMillan support so might be worth giving them a call to see if there's somewhere nearby. I know there's plenty of support on the phone but it's always nice to have a face to face chat. Don't ever feel you are on your own, so please reach out. It's really helped me.