Hello . Long story, probably rambling ☹︎

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 I have somewhat of a long, complicated health history. Because of this, surgery is very risky. This year, I had to have surgery to remove a gallstone that was blocking my colon, I think. It was killing me wherever it was, so I had to have the surgery or that would have been me.

I ended up sending a week in intensive care, and was asked to sign a DNR as soon as I was conscious (I’m 57. I refused).

Anyway, the cancer story goes like this, dates are a little hazy, so might not be totally accurate.

Two years ago, roughly, I collapsed at home. Twice. In the middle of the night. My wife thought I was dying, so it was bad, but she called an ambulance who did an ECG and decided I was having another heart attack (I’ve had 2 already). After a fair amount of prodding, poking and inserting of sharp things, they decided that I had Pancreatitis ( turns out the collapse was due to very low blood pressure, and it has happened again).

The consultant looking after me was one of those who have no time for his patients, to be fair, he was useless. A recurring theme at my local hospital.

He ordered a CT scan, and this clearly showed a Tumor on my left kidney. He missed this and I didn’t find out until I entered the bowel cancer screening Programm a full year later.

I have now seen the urologist who looked me in the eye, and with a lot of empathy told me I had kidney cancer, showed me an image of it and apologised that it had been missed by the gasterenterologist.

I was told that surgery wasn’t an option due to my other health issues, not even a biopsy.

Now, I am sure my issue is one that many in this position would love to have. Apparently, my cancer is slow growing. I was told that 6-monthly scans with follow-up telephone appointments would be the way forward - active monitoring I think they called it. So far, I’ve had a couple of scans, no follow up calls and 1 letter. They are now going to scan annually as the growth is very slow, but my issue is this: they won’t write it down. Because there has been no biopsy, and because it is slow growing, they won’t officially diagnose me. They have told me point blank that I have cancer, but won’t commit to paper.

This leaves me in limbo. I don’t know if this will kill me, or how long this would likely take if it will kill me. I have not much idea of what would be the options if this started to grow, but I imagine it would be centred around morphine, probably lots of morphine.

I understand that my issue could be pretty unique, but is any one in a similar situation? Is there anyone with any idea how long this slow growing would take?

I get that I should take what I have with a smile and be thankful, but it is quite difficult.

sorry for rambling.


  • Hi good afternoon 

    1. firstly I don’t think your rambling at all this reply however will be a rambler I’m sorry - my husband has kidney cancer 11cm left kidney 10cm right kidney it has metastasised in the lungs, we found this out January when we thought he had a chest infection, the local hospital also diagnosed AF a leaky heart valve also he has diabetes type2. quite frankly our local hospital should be knocked down and re built it’s dreadful, I had to fight for nearly 2 months to get him a biopsy after the MacMillan nurse told us point blank to go away and have fun until he died. A wonderful doctor at the cancer hospital took him in for a trial as he can’t have surgery and it’s beginning to kill the cancer cells. Last week he had what appeared to be a stroke and the ambulance took him to the local hospital they were shockingly awful the advert that tells you to get help fast is Very misleading as he was in the place for 8 hours 3 of them in a wheelchair before he was given fluids which didn’t help and then 10 hours after being admitted he was taken by emergency ambulance on blue lights to a wonderful hospital in Stockport (thanks to a lovely Australian doctor who fought for it) it saved his life. However (rambling again) he recovered thanks to them with just a slight problem with his short term memory and they were so pleased they were ready to discharge him 8 days later after an MRI scan, enter the local hospital again, stockport mri scanner was broken so the local hospital told them he could return to them have the scan and go home, simple! well nothing is that simple, they admitted him a very nice lady appeared saying you can’t talk or walk can you? We both said no he’s totally fine he’s passed all the tests and is ready to go, a consultant appeared did not introduce himself stated he hadn’t had a stroke (he had) and that he believed he had cancer in his brain just like that! No kind words asking how he was, it looked to me he had just read in his notes he had kidney cancer and this guy who was no oncologist decided without a consultation to say this to him! Then told him he would have to wait for an mri (that had been promised to the other hospital that day) it might be two or three weeks sat in this bed thinking and worrying he had cancer in his brain!he wouldn’t be able to have his two weekly cancer treatments while he was there, Bear in mind he had 5 scans that week that saw nothing like this, this consultant had just took it upon himself to announce this! As you can tell I’m was so angry I rang his oncologist secretary told them about this and thank God they have taken over his care, and arranging an MRI - now my point is to you that you don’t have to take the c**p this doctor/oncologist has told you leaving you in limbo you have what is called a ‘right to choose’ and if I can offer a little advice I would go some research on the best cancer care in your area and get yourself a referral to them from your GP it’s your right, get an answer because believe me if you sit back and wait you’ll still be waiting months down the line they from my experience forget all about you, I’m so disappointed and dissatisfied with the local hospital and reading your experience I truly know how you must ffeel and sympathise with you. Good luck God bless and I hope it works out for you 
  • What a terrible time you have been living. Unfortunately, this appears to be so common. The only time I feel that I had good care was in the bowel cancer screening program and a week in intensive care.

    I found a GP with whom I was comfortable and trustworthy, but she turned out to be a locum and promptly left.

  • It depends on how big it is.  They normally only operate once it's 4cm if it's <4cm then you are still on the standard approach.  

    You could question them about the long term plan.  If it spreads to another organ, would they then treat it with immunotherapy drugs?  

    I think you're quite entitled to a letter detailing the diagnosis and the approach going forward.  On what basis are they refusing to do this?  Slow growing is a result of a diagnosis and treatment (watch and wait monitoring ) is also a result of a diagnosis.  Can you suggest this to them, and explain you want it written down to give yourself a milestone, for travel insurance reasons, or your mental wellbeing and to help you move on and manage your situation.  And if they refuse, ask for a second opinion or go to PALs.