9 Jan 2024
11:26 PM
Classic car
Hi all had issues peeing blood 1st week in December, went to the doctors with suspected kidney stone, 1 week later CT carried out and doctors informed me I had a tumour on my left kidney and would need urgent attention and an op to remove the kidney/ tumour, an appointment was made for me to see a specialist, the earliest available date was the 29th Dec my world fell apart I guess like everyone’s else’s on this site it’s devastating, attended the appointment on the 29th and was told I needed a 2nd scan as a precaution that it had not spread anywhere else was told I would scanned the following then if all clear, the path to operating would be sorted as a high priority, 1 week passed was told because of the doctors strike my scan was cancelled, yesterday and today calling the hospital again to find out what is happening was told the registrar had not forwarded any of the information on from the meeting on the 29th and that nothing has been planned or discussed about me with anyone , it is now approaching a month since been diagnosed I am in alot of pain, the mentally torture is overwhelming most days for me and my partner let alone the rest of the family, but I try to stay positive. Been told I will be discussed this week now and don’t need a 2nd scan I don’t no were it will go from here it’s so worrying and I am fatigued by it all.
Hello and welcome to our group Classic Car Yes we can all concur with the shock when given the diagnosis. What I can say is in my opinion this is the worst time….you have been given the diagnosis but the treatment plan hasn’t been started ….I am sure that once things get moving, you feel that something is being done and it’s less scary….our minds don’t cope with uncertainty very well…. I took the approach that I was thee same person before my diagnosis ( I had cancer and didn’t know) but now it is known and something is going to be done about it. I am not suggesting that this style of thinking works for everyone, but it’s worth a go.
Dont be afraid to keep phoning the hospital should you think there has been a delay as this is something that most of us have had to do, things do get forgotten and you need to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you. I was always polite when I phoned and acknowledged that they were busy.
I would also question why you were told you were having a scan but now don’t need one. There may be a reason for it, but if there is then there will be an explanation.
Finally, do keep posting on here if you have worries or are upset….we are open on here and understand at least some of what you are going through…….we may be able to offer helpful tips and we have a laugh sometimes too x
Take care and sending you a big hug. Jules x
Hi, I can empathise with your shock, as I've been there! I agree with Jules - just ask the questions to get clarity and ask for timescales - i find that helps a bit. It is hard for your partner especially but just both keep talking and sharing your feelings. I'm sure things will start to move forward soon. I had a nephrectomy 6 weeks ago so quite well recovered now, so I know you can get through it. You're not alone - try to carry on as normal and have some treats or do things to take your mind off it as much as you can. It's easy to say, but worrying doesn't change anything. Best of luck!
Hi Jules thank you for replying, I have more positive thoughts most days than negative. It is like you have said, I was me before been told I have cancer and I am still me only I have an unwanted visitor inside me, playing with my feelings and emotions, I cannot wait for the treatment to start because I am going to give this a bloody good fight, but as we all know the medical professionals need to get there bit right first. I am going to put my self forward for any trails as well so that it may help others, I went on some 18 years ago when my dad passed after having bowel cancer, it helps to thing you may be able to help others and contribute towards finding a cure of this awful disease I will keep in touch and update you when the ball does start to roll x
Hi starlady thank you for your response, I know I don’t want my partner to worry but equally I wouldn’t lie to her about how I feel or what my emotional state is when it kicks in, I am in a lot of pain most days and really fatigued is that normal, how was you after the operation regards recovery, I keep focused best I can with my daughter and car hobbies, but some days when the pain and fatigue are really kicking in it’s hard.
That’s the spirit x give it a good fight x but when you feel a bit low then let us know.and we will do our best to lift you up. Have you got one by the way ( a classic car?!) x
Hi Jules sorry for late reply, I have a couple of them a ford escort and a Toyota GT4. It’s been a tough week.
Hi there
I am so sorry to hear you have had a tough week, hang on in there we are right behind you and stand with you. I don't know why it's been tough but if it's the wait to get started, it's the worst time.
I was just intrigued by your name (nosey) and thought that would be the case. Have you thought about taking one out for a spin? ( if it's in a drivable state? )The reason that I mention this is because it's good to do something nice in order to give your mind a break.
I also tried to ensure that I was in tip top condition in readiness for my treatment and so went for more walks and to the gym .....and ate healthily. I don't know how much difference me not stuffing chocolate in my chops made but it felt as though I had put some control back into the situation. I am not saying that any of this would work for you, but it's worth a try.
You will see from my profile that I ended up seeing someone privately and had my op privately. I had taken my job pension out early to work part time in order to see more of my dad as my mum had died, so this gave me a lump sum, meaning I had the money available to be able to do this. The hospital offered an interest free package. As soon as my op was booked the stress just melted away.Take care and do keep posting if you need the support of our group x
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