First post here partial nephrectomy 1 week ago

  • 4 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Hi Guys,

I just want to share my story with others in hopes it will help someone and also in hopes of some support;

37 year old male that has hx of kidney stones. I had blood in my urine for a week or so. CT scan showed 4-5cm r kidney mass at end of February.

6 weeks later I underwent partial nephrectomy on 4-10. I was very nervous going into the procedure and had some what of a panic attack before going back. Post operatively pain was bad the first night. I did not get any IV medications overnight in the hospital. That evening I got up out of bed and walked around a bit. I had lot of pain in the right chest and shoulder. Pain improved the next day. Catheter and drain were removed and I was able to go home later that day. Pain improved over the next several days and I am only taking tylenol a few times a day and I am up and moving around well.

Path results show 3.9cm tumor clear cell grade 3. confined to kidney with capsular involvement. Stage t1aNx. no lymph nodes were taken and I haven't had any chest imaging. 

I feel good physically now I am worried about path results and what they mean and chance of recurrence. I have had a few sleepless nights and made myself sick at times. I'm still waiting to hear back from surgeon. 

  • Hi oz0,

    Good they caught you when they did. I had my whole kidney removed last year. I totally understand your worrying. It's very easy to fill your mind with dread. I found it helped to read posts in this forum. Seeing how people dealt with situations often worse than my own inspired me to be a little braver. It upset me no end too. I don't like to think of anyone hurting or facing difficulties. I do think being overcome with upset at peoples plights helped me to emotionally to get things straighter in my own mind. I wasn't alone. Many knew exactly how worried i felt. And i did feel that posting threads on here and asking questions helped me. 

    Let us know your results when you get them. And remember - many that read your post may not comment but they'll be worrying too and they'll be hoping you get a good result.

    All the best...Del.

  • Thanks for the response! I am finding it helpful to read other people's post and experiences, Thank you and hope you are recovering well.  

  • Talked with the surgeon. He thought he got it all and low risk for recurrence. Follow up scan of chest/abd/pelvis in 3-4 months. I haven't had any chest imaging and they didn't take any lymph nodes during surgery. I think I'll schedule an appointment with oncology to get their opinion and make sure no other treatment or adjunct treatment is needed.

  • I had Pembrolizumab every six weeks as an adjuvant therapy. Had six doses of it. My last scan was clear except for something they couldn't identify that was 27mm and had shrunk to 15mm. Consultant thought it may have been scar tissue but couldn't be sure. I have a scan in a couple of weeks. 

    And yes i'm recovering/coping really well. Last year, after having my kidney taken out, everyone kept saying how good i looked. I felt good too. Just before xmas 22 i caught covid and that's been a long drawn out affair of getting over that. I find it really annoying because usually if anything lays me low i'm up and about in no time (like most people) and recover well. But the covid seems to have long term effects and has hit my strength and stamina. 

    Good luck though Oz0......Del.