Kidney removal surgery

  • 12 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm new here, i have just been told my kidney will be removed. They never tell you any details. All i asked was if I'm fixable and he said yes..

While he's removing the kidney he's having a look around at some other stuff, it showed up first on the CT scan so now i have to have an MRI scan and then the operation. I would like to hear from anyone who has had the operation please, John 

  • Good luck Xtcxtc! Lets hope thats the end of it for you and you can move forward. I think many of us are waiting for ours, depending on stratergies and treatments. Tumors below 4cm are watch and wait, from what i've read here. Those above operable, again depending on treatment and stratergy

  • Thanks Anddy, mine is 6cm so today the consultant said he would remove it.

    I was wondering how long i would have to stay in hospital.  The crazy thing about kidney cancer is that I feel great physically, no blood anywhere, i am eating loads of food and have never felt any pain or discomfort. 

    I appreciate your reply my friend 

  • Please don't quote me because I could be wrong, but I think usually depending on the size. It "may" be keyhole surgery. Which drastically reduces your stay in Hospital and recovery time. Yep, Kidney tumors are usually picked up on scans, when they are looking for something else.

  • Hi John,

    I needed to have my whole kidney removed (radical nephrectomy). They did it with keyhole surgery which meant in my case I had two small holes and two incisions about 5 cm and 10 cm  in length, which is how they get the kidney out. I had dissolving stitches plus what I can only describe as "super glue" on top of the incisions. They didn't put dressings on them which surprised me and they actually healed up remarkably fast.

    For the first few hours maybe more (it's a bit hazy) I was on morphine and fentanyl and then by the next day or so codeine and paracetamol was enough to take away the pain. I was up and walking (very slowly) by the following morning . I was discharged 3 days after surgery. I am by no means particularly tolerant to pain and I have only ever had one other routine operation about 20 years ago. The nephrectomy was painful but the pain is manageable with pain meds.I stopped needing regular pain relief about a week after discharge.

    Once home it's a bit trickier..... hospital beds are much easier to get in and out of and you can adjust them. I was advised to sleep on my back for the first 4 weeks. I found that sleeping on a recliner arm chair was the only comfortable option for me. By 5 weeks I was back in my regular bed and sleeping on my (non surgery) side comfortably. By 6 weeks I was back at my desk based job.

    Let me know if you have any other questions about the operation.

    Wishing you lots and lots of luck with your surgery.

  • Hi Livinghopefully, thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I've been told nothing of what to expect so I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question, 

    It's helped a a deal  John 

  • That's a really helpful reply

    Just been given a date of 13th March for my nephrectomy.   Not convinced that will happen due to junior doctors strike Shrug 

    Anyone know whether nighties or pyjamas are more practical for 1st couple of days?

    Good that you were mobile so quickly.  How did you find the stairs at home?

  • Hi, I was diagnosed about 3-4 weeks ago, I am due to go in for surgery on 6th March to have my left kidney removed by keyhole/robotic surgery. I have been told that I will be in and out in two days, I'd say I'd keep you updated but I suppose it depends on  where my head is after surgery!

  • I Had Open Radical  Nephrectomy

    February 14 I had surgery. 15th and 16th I had to manage pain 17th pass gas, bowel movement, 18th discharged.

  • Stairs were possible but slow. I had my left kidney removed so led with my right leg to climb up each step and then followed with my left leg (and the opposite to go down the stairs). I could only manage to go up and down once a day to begin with, because it was hard work and a bit painful, but you are probably fitter than me.

    As for what to wear. They put me in a very flattering hospital gown which gives them easy access to everything they need to keep an eye on initially. You'll most likely have a catheter for the first day or so which means PJ's won't be very practical. But once the catheter is out as long as you wear something that can accommodate a swollen belly and not rub where the stitches are you should be fine. Once the catheter was out I wore PJs one size bigger than my usual size and they were comfy.

    Good luck with your surgery and keeping my fingers crossed for you that it will happen on the 13th!

  • Thanks.  That's really helpful