Kidney cancer diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Good Morning,

I am new to the group after being diagnosed 4 weeks ago. Underwent a Biopsy of my Right Kidney yesterday, and was also informed also that there were multiple Lung Mets. I am not sure how this has happened and would welcome any feed back from any group member that has been through this as well. Plus I am on Universal credit and they say that even though I have told them of my diagnosis they say that I get the maximum benefit already. Is this the case ? or could I get any enhanced allowances ? Thank you.

  • Hi Bluemooner,

    it’s very difficult to answer the first part of your question as clearly everyone is different. Cancer can spread to other organs but I’m sure your oncologist will be able to discuss that with you and put a treatment plan in place.

    To answer the second part of your question, although I wasn’t on any benefits, when I was forced to give up work MacMillan financial advisors were extremely helpful and I would recommend getting an appointment to speak to someone who knows what they are on about! The link will be on this site.

    Good luck with your treatment.

  • Hi Bluemooner!  Sorry to meet you in these circumstances.  I'm a bit similar to you, ccRCC in my left kidney having spread to my lung.  I didn't have any symptoms.  It was discovered as an incidental finding after investigations for a persistent cough, which, bizarrrely, the immunotherapy has now fixed.  Immunotherapy (ipi/nivo) doing it's thing, and everything shrinking.  

  • Thank you so much for your reply. I will contact the financial advisers and ask for their advice. Hope you are keeping well. Thank you so much..

  • Thank you for your reply. I hope that you are keeping well. I too had no Idea prior to my diagnosis as I did not feel unwell at all. My diagnosis came as the result of a Liver Scan which shown the lesions/growth on my kidney then as a further C/T scan of my chest found the multiple Lung Mets. after 24hrs since my biopsy my wee is still very dark, however I have had a few beers. Do you know if this is normal >

  • Yes darker/different coloured urine is "normal" / a symptom of kidney cancer.  Blood in urine is a symptom.  In hindsight mine was darker/orangey brown, but I just put it down to age.  I would never have dreamed of going to the GP about it.  The GP is for when you are on death's door huh?!  Now I'm there every week lol.   I would have another beer - you deserve it!