Operation day

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  • 58 subscribers

Operation day tomorrow! Feeling very anxious about the anaesthetic Weary Can I get your positive recovery stories please? 

  • Hi, honestly don’t worry about the anaesthetic. I was frightened I wouldn’t wake up ! I can’t believe now I shouldn’t have worried at all. If I have to have another operation I wouldn’t even think about that part and like you maybe, it was my biggest fear. The surgeon really put me at ease. I was taken in to theatre wide awake and immediately felt calm entering the room. Everyone is lovely and reassuring.  My surgeon had his favourite music playing and was singing to me while everyone got prepared !!! It was very chilled ! Before I knew it I was waking up ! All over. Trust me I am a very anxious person and I wish I new now have stress free it all is. I suppose it’s like shelling peas to them! I was home in a few days and fully recovered from my partial nephrectomy in a couple of months! I can’t actually believe I even had an operation now ! Take care I will be thinking about you tomorrow xx

  • Thankyou for taking the time to reply. I’m so glad you had a good experience and you are recovering well…The anaesthetic is the worst part for me, I think I’ll be ok with the recovery after as I’vFingers crossed tone1d 3 c sections so hoping it’s not much worse than that. This time tomorrow it should all be over Fingers crossed tone1

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Disney1234

    I am sure it will be just fine. A neighbour of mine said that for her last op it was such a deep uninterrupted sleep she felt it was the best sleep she had ever had when she woke!

    We can compare notes after Thursday when I have had my op.

  • Hi Disney1234, 

    I too was very anxious because I have high BP, normally controlled with meds, but white coat syndrome always kicks in. My anaesthetist was amazing as I had been put in a darkened room to try and bring it down, she came in to see me and said do not worry you will be having this operation (having too high BP was what I was worried about as earlier when I had a biopsy I had to have a spinal due to it being too high) she gave me some extra meds and spoke to me the whole time and carried on calming me once I arrived at the operating theatre. I had a radical robotic nephroureterectomy and was discharged by lunchtime the next day and felt very positive about the whole experience.

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope it goes well x

    • I’m sort of hoping for this. I have a newborn so I haven’t had a good sleep in months. Hoping to catch up a bit RoflHoping your op goes ok. I will update as soon as I can x
  • Hope all goes well for your op too 

  • Good luck to you , it I’ll fine im sure . I’m in for a op in the next couple weeks and I’m not a big anaesthetic fan either . Deep breathes and I’m sure the crew will be great. 

  • Good luck for your operation day! I had a partial nephrectomy one month ago and I can understand your anxiety. Hope you will have a fast recovery. Being so young will help! 

  • Thankyou. I hope so. By this time tomorrow it’ll be over Fingers crossed tone1Hope your op goes well too.