Expecting to start the journey so many of you are on and terrified

  • 7 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello All

Three months ago had CT with contrast in a and e because of another issue not kidney related. The results were normal ct. Normal kidneys etc. Over the past couple years I've been getting intermitent niggling pain in my left kidney area.  An ultrasound a year ago said 4mm stone mid pole left kidney. I certainly don't feel I've passed it but the ct scan didn't show one and an ultrasound I had last week didn't either but it showed something. Don't know what until I see my GP. My GP has called me in early wanting to discuss my urinanalysis with me and scan results. I cant sleep or eat with worry. What can show up in urinanalysis? I've googled and read urinary tract cancer cells can so am think the worst. How do people cope going through what you go through? Everything seems so so slow on the NHS. I'm also having a breast scan today so am double worried.

  • It’s all very worrying at first. The waiting until you know what you’re dealing with is the worst! I’m sure everyone says this, and I’m not good at following this advice, but try not to Google things too much until you know what the doctor says, and then only use reputable sources like the NHS, or the Macmillan site. 
    fill your days as much as you can with distractions in the meantime and don’t be afraid to talk to people about your worries. You’re allowed to be scared. 

  • Hello Plonker

    Sorry you have to be here, but welcome to the forum!

    There are lots of people here who can offer support and advice. Like you say, we have all been through the awful time when you're waiting for results, consultations and a diagnosis. In my experience, it was the most worrying time in the whole experience.

    I just wanted to say that CT scans are great for certain things, but mine ( I have them every 3 months) don't show up my gallstones. These only show on ultrasounds. I think CT scans are really intended to show soft tissue, not solid things like stones....but I may be wrong!

    I've never had a urinalysis, so I'm not sure what it can show. But it is wise not to google this, unless you go to reputable sites. A lot of the info on the internet is inaccurate or out of date.

    I know it is hard, but the waiting times are difficult. You'll probably feel calmer once you start to get some answers. 

    I hope your breast scan goes well.

    Keep posting!


  • Thanks for your reply. I’ve managed to get a GP appointment this morning so might have some idea of the next step. How people cope with this level of anxiety for months on end I don’t know. I’ve managed about 6 hours sleep total these past few nights. Thanks re the breast scan. More waiting no doubt. Wish you could get results there and then. Drs go on about CT being the ‘gold standard’ for stones. Obviously not if they can’t detect yours. Good luck with everything.

  • Thanks for replying. I’m so anxious I don’t know if the pain I’m getting is because of kidney or if it’s muscle being so so tense. It’s so cruel people having to wait so long for results. I’m trying hard not to Google but then I just can’t help myself. Looking for reassurance I suppose.

    best wishes to you.

  • Hope you get some answers at your appointment today x

  • Thanks LJT. I've been referred on so it's the waiting game. Deep breaths.

  • Try to keep busy. It helps to be distracted. I’m booked in for surgery on 10th and I’m trying to have at least one thing happening every day until then to help keep my mind off it.