CT Scan Results - or the lack of them

  • 11 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Does anyone else have to A) book their own CT scans and then B) wait an eternity to hear the results? 

Following the drug trial, throughout which My Husband was treated absolutely wonderfully with all the I's dotted and T's crossed. 

However, the drug trial failed to show any further progress, so He was taken off - and put on Cabozantinib. 

This is fine - but subsequently, from (April 2023) I've had to chase every single scan request and actually book it myself.  Results - well We have to wait between 6 to 10 weeks for the results.  For example, a scan on 25th June - We still have no feedback from. 

Surely - it is the only yardstick everyone has on the progress of the cancer and effectiveness of treatment.  We hang all our expectaions and prayers on these results.    Am I being too harsh to expect anything other that this feeling of near abandonment?  

  • Hi Mumra,

    Yes to waiting ages for results it seems to have gotten worse over the past year I have been having a scan every 3 months for the past 3 years+ and always got the results before my next appointment with the oncologist so 4 weeks max now it's more like 2 months at the earliest.

    Booking them has always been taken care of for me by the oncologist.

    Hope you have a great weekend Ry

  • I'm in the same boat....scans every 3 months, then a phone call 3 weeks after the scan from the oncologist, with the result.

    I've never had to book my own scans, it is always requested by the oncologist. This sounds odd to me, and maybe I'd contact the consultant's secretary and ask for this booking to be put on the system.

    How on earth did we manage before scans were invented? They are essential!!


  • Hya Mumra   My husband was admitted to hospital for a week after his first immunotherapy treatment it caused all sorts of health problems for him and the treatment was stopped, he saw his Oncology Consultant a week later and was referred for a CT scan as he was and still is in a lot of pain, he was lucky to get a scan 2 days later but 3 weeks later he is still waiting for the results, the outcome will determine if he can go on Tivozanib hopefully, or just be monitored, so very frustrating, he feels like he is back to square one after being diagnosed with metastatic kidney cancer in early May.yes we wonder why CT scans are taking so long to be reported.seems like a lot of people are in the same boat.

    Kind regards Annx

  • I am in the same boat. The entire follow up regime is a chaotic shambles.

  • Good morning Simon, 

    It's been 4 weeks now, I rang up to enquire about it and it could be up to six weeks to get the results, at a very stressful time it's not good, hope you get your results soon Simon.

  • Wow.  My onco books the scans and the results are back the following week.  There was a shortage of radiologists, nationwide, causing delays but that was summer 2022 and things improved I believed.  Some of my scans are at a teaching hospital and their throughput is faster, I was lead to believe.  Or perhaps the oncos have more influence.  I'm amazed at people's experience.  

  • I realised the results are passed almost immediately to the in-house Macmillan team. So now I ring them up. No more than a day or two. Four months or more later the consultant rings me with the same results. Ridiculous.

  • You are entitled to request a copy of the scan report from local health trust.Can be done online,proof of id and a simple form.

    Data protection officer or records manager,search your local health trust

    Last week I asked for 4 scan results in last 9 weeks,put dates of each one,they were all sent in a link by email the next day.

    You get the report itself not what a team have read and decided on.

    There is no charge

  •  Thankyou Nidge ,Well 6 weeks has passed and still no phone call from the Consultant regarding my husbands CT results or what the future treatment will be so I rang  Oncology department ,the nurse gave me a phone number for the Consultants secretary who told me that the report has just  come back but the Consultant is on holiday until Wednesday 25th September so another few weeks to wait, he wouldn't be too bothered about it but he is in a lot of severe back and leg pain from his kidney tumour and now has a small hip fracture diagnosed at A and E  a few weeks ago he  has been prescribed Morphine, 

    Thankyou all.

  • This sounds ridiculous!

    Why can't someone else in the department tell you the results? Why does it have to be this particular consultant??

    I'd be talking with the PALS service at the hospital....

    Hope you get some answers soon!
