Potential diagnosis

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  • 49 subscribers

Hi there 

I’m currently going through tests, about a month ago I went into my local urgent care centre with really bad pain in my lower back on the left and blood in my wee. They said it was suspected kidney stones but couldn’t test my urine properly because I was on my period. I was put on antibiotics and referred for an ultrasound. I had this ultrasound on Thursday last week (23rd nov) the drs called me Monday (27th) and told me they found a mass on my left kidney. I was referred for a ct scan and had that on Tuesday and then they called me again today and said I have to have a ct scan on my chest. I’m not sure why, I did ask but I can’t remember what they said. 
I have the nhs app and was looking at my notes because I was telling my sister in law about the full blood test I had and they came back as normal. I then saw my ct results and said probably RCC and the mass is around 6/7cm. 
I’m panicking and worrying, I’m a mum to 3 children. I’m nearly 33 and have a 12 year old, 9 year old and nearly 3 year old. I don’t want to leave them