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I have been very fortunate as I have passed five years since my partial nephrectomy remaining cancer free. However, recently I have been experiencing an aching, sometimes sharp pain in the side where the op was. I spoke to my CNS nurse and she arranged a CT scan surprisingly quickly. I had been due to go onto yearly scans, the last being in November. Had the scan today, and now the wait! I am not actually a worrier but this has unsettled me a bit and will be glad to get a result asap. Anyone else experienced pain so long after the op? Over the years I have often been aware of an ache around the op area, but this seems a little different. Trouble is, the more I think about it, the worse it seems, and in reality it is not serious pain. 

Best wishes and good luck to you all here

  • Hello Preston8.

    I had a total Nephrectomy over 14 years ago and over the years have and still occasionally experience  an aching pain around the operation area.  
    I remember on one occasion it was almost as severe as the original pain pre op. Like you i was quite unsettled. Irrational really but remained concerned until my next routine scan showed nothing. Proof of how weird our bodies are. 
    Granted you having had a partial nephrectomy may have more reason to be worried and it’s good that a scan has been completed so promptly. Waiting for results is always a difficult time and I hope you don’t have to wait too long. 
    I can’t actually say to you don’t worry but keep in mind something I’ve come to realise over the years that worrying exacerbates pain.

    Wishing you well and a speedy answer  it sounds like your nurse is on the ball  


  • Thank you Rojan,

    That's brilliant you are 14 years post op. Yes my CNS nurse is certainly impressive, obtaining a scan within a week. The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism but I can't fault the care I have received. It is interesting but true that worrying does make pain worse, so I am trying to relax andthink of other things while I wait for the result of the recent CT. I'll let you know how things are. Again, thanks for your reply


  • Hey , you are an inspiration , how is it going ?