Lymphoma worry. Itchy skin

  • 4 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hello in December I started itching it wasn't all over constant body itching it was like an itch on my leg for 30seconds then 10 minutes later a itch on my arm for 30seconds then 15 minutes later an itch on my head etc etc.

This lasted until January so for about 6 weeks. Then it completely disappeared as quick as it came.

I should also say that at this time I was diagnosed with psychotic depression and I was sectioned for attempted suicide. My mental health is still very bad. Some nurses told me it was tactile hallucinations or psychogenic itching.

Anyway the itching had gone away so it's been gone about 5 month. However 5 days ago its started again. Itching on my leg 10 seconds away for 5 minutes, itching on my hand 20 seconds away for 10 minutes.

I've got myself in such a state now that this is lymphoma itching. Does this sound like it? Would it go for 5 month and then come back? Would it be little itches here and there or constantly itching? Does it sound more like a mental health problem.  



  • Hi Amy

    Itching was my first symptom before I was diagnosed with Hodgkins, it drove me to scratching myself until I bled. I would say that it's worth pursuing getting tested although my experience was constant and didn't come and go, it didn't stop until I started treatment.

    I felt I wasn't taken seriously by doctors until I had a second, unequivocal symptom. I went 9 months between the first time I approached my GP about the itching and getting a diagnosis.

    It could be anything but please be tenacious about being tested to rule out lymphoma.


    Hayley xxx

  • Thanks so much for your reply.  What tests would I need? I hope you are doing well.  I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of this.


  • Hi  and a second welcome to this corner of the community and to hear about the challenges you are having.

    Itching is indeed one of a number of Lymphoma Symptoms but as  says it does tend to be continues and only starts to reduce once treatment starts……. but it is also accepted that itching is also a side effect of stress.

    You need to continue to work with the medical profession to find out what is going on and look at the methods to Diagnosis of Lymphoma

    You may find it helpful to call the Macmillan Support Line open 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00. This service provides practical information, emotional support or just a listening ear.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • My experience is some 13 years back so things may well have changed but regular blood tests showed inflammation. Allergy tests showed I didn't have allergies so something else was causing the itching. X-rays and ultrasounds picked up nothing but I eventually had a PET scan and a biopsy.

    Good luck!

    Hayley xxx