Modern chemotherapy drugs

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Are the chemo drugs in use today tolerated better than the ones used in 1986. Also as I have a pacemaker and diverticulitis / colitis will this be taken into account when deciding which drugs to use. I am also 68 years old. Any input would be welcome.

  • Hi, and welcome though sad you've needed to find your way here. 

    The drugs are carefully managed these days together with any potential s/e's, do keep a journal so you can accurately list any concerns you have. Do pay particular attention to drinking plenty of water as that will help a lot. Have you had chemo before? (as your post might suggest that or having experience of chemo drugs) 

    The 'gold standard' drugs used for HL tend to be the ones used for over 40 years.......

    Keep posting and stay safe......

    Hugs xxx


  • It is true that the gold standard drugs are fundamentally the same as they were 40 years ago, but the concoctions have been adapted/amended to ensure best effect.
