Hi everyone,
I have my 12 week, Pet /CT scan on Monday 10th March but don't see consultant until April 3rd ,it seems a long wait between. Trying to tell myself it will be ok. I met up with my CNS Rachel also to talk things out and she reassured me as much as possible. I asked if I'm doing ok at this stage in the recovery 12th week , and keeps reinforcing the fact that my body has took a big bashing ,and 12 weeks isn't much really. I asked about my aches and pains, she still maintains my body is trying to fix it's self ,and it takes time. She has referred me for some counselling to help with my anxious state, but of course there is a waiting list. I appreciate everything she tries to do for me. She even got me some meds to help with nausea. I think I'd feel better if I didn't feel so unfit! I know I've got to get mind over matter but it's hard when your not feeling well ! On a plus note my dietician told me I've only lost 7 pounds ,but on me that's a lot !! I hope I can claw that back in the future as I don't like looking thin faced!!I've been able to have a whole banana for breakfast now before my throat gets sore ,so I top up with a fresubin. For lunch I'm able to eat half tin of Big Soup., with another fresubin and hour later.
Then I have a pump feed later as my throat is usually too sore to eat again, dietician said I'm doing ok ,but will reassess in a couple of weeks.
How was you at 12 weeks ?
Mark x
Hi Mark
Looks like your support team are on the ball....correct about being on track for recovery... for me? after 12 weeks things started to pick up pace recovery-wise...fitness comes with exercise...for me it was golf and swimming (after PEG removal)...a couple of weeks can make a big difference.
I lost 3.5 stone was waist 38-40 now 34....gauntness disappeared with fresh air and exercise...and a positive outlook.
It was a very challenging period ...I had days where I doubted if I had the strength to keep it going ...my wife and support teams helped me along....never gave me any sympathy but nudged me out of any negativity...I've always been a 'glass half full' person that helped me enormously
You’re on track well done with banana and soup. Fitness will Come with nutrition and exercise xx. I’m 68 now and as fit as I was before o csn happily cycle 60 km when over in Spain in a day walk 15 km so it’s early days for you try to be patient
Hazel x
Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz
My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 6 years post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help
2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers
To mirror what Peter said….
I’m a glass half empty girl, always have been. It’s self defence. I think I say in my blog….. even miserable people get cured. Stuff the staying positive! I hated people telling me to stay positive and be strong. Having a good wail in the bathroom away from everybody else did me more good than pulling myself together. And I was cured.
Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019
Hi Mark
You are doing very well. It took me over a year to be able to have a banana! Give your body time to heal and take each day as it comes. You will get there. I am so pleased to hear that you have been given something for your nausea, that will help you eat and progressively get stronger. My treatment finished at the end of September 2022 and I had my peg taken out on 31st December 2022. I could not eat but I could at least drink my fortisip instead of using my peg which was a huge step forward. I progressively introduced food such as part boiled egg, porridge, scrambled eggs, chocolate mousse, smoothies, milkshakes...etc. Baby steps. Patience is the key. I felt quite down when I was given the all clear, it was very hard to make sense of it all and counselling really helped as people around me did not quite understand why I was feeling low. To be fair, I did not understand it either ! Expressing how I felt was very positive and helpful. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long.
Sending you loads of love.
Sounds like you're actually doing really well Mark, keep at it !
Mixture of good days and bad still and I'm 8.5 months post treatment. I guess we all respond differently.
On the anxiety front, I recommend downloading one of Paul McKenna's "Control Stress" hypnotic tracks. All they need is 30 minutes of your day, usually best at bedtime when you're lying down and unlikely to be disturbed. Whenever I'm going through an anxious spell (been in and out of them for 20 odd years now.) I find 2 or 3 sessions "with him" really help. Can buy the book to go with it, or just download for free from YouTube.
I think I'm exactly the same ,where as Sharon my wife is totally glass half full !
Yep.....we still get better. We just have a harder time of it.
Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019
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